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Value of Product Shipments (AS)-2

Contains estimates of the value of product shipments. Data for the individual products are collected every 5 years in the economic census. Shipments of selected product classes primary to more than one industry also are shown.

M01(AS)-2 (RV): 2001 Value of Product Shipments

M00(AS)-2: 2000 Value of Product Shipments

M99(AS)-2 (RV): 1999 Value of Product Shipments

M98(AS)-2: 1998 Value of Product Shipments

M96(AS)-2: 1996 Value of Product Shipments

M95(AS)-2: 1995 Value of Product Shipments

M94(AS)-2: 1994 Value of Product Shipments

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Last revised: Thursday, 24-Jun-2004 18:01:31 EDT