NSF LogoNSF Award Abstract - #9876800 AWSFL008-DS3

Sustainability of Water Resources in Semi-Arid Regions

Latest Amendment Date July 1, 2004
Award Number 9876800
Award Instrument Cooperative Agreement
Program Manager L. Douglas James
Start Date November 1, 1999
Expires December 31, 2004 (Estimated)
Expected Total Amount $19081132 (Estimated)
Investigator William J. Shuttleworth shuttle@hwr.arizona.edu (Principal Investigator current)
Soroosh Sorooshian (Principal Investigator former)
Sponsor U of Arizona
601 Administration Building
Tucson, AZ 85721 602/621-2211
Field Application 0000099 Other Applications NEC
Program Reference Code 1579,9189,EGCH,


9876800 Sorooshian

The continuing availability of adequate water depends critically on our ability to manage water resources systems under a variable and uncertain climate. Semi-arid regions are in particular jeopardy as they are experiencing rapid population growth and economic development. They are highly sensitive to increasing anthropogenic pressures, variations in climate, and disruptions associated with long-term climate change. The current system lacks an effective mechanism for rapidly moving the state of scientific knowledge into widespread usage by the public agencies and supporting private firms responsible for managing our water resources. The Center is bridging this gap by: 1) monitoring management problems for critical hydrologic issues, 2) identifying issues that can be effectively addressed in a timely fashion, 3) coordinating and integrating needed studies over multiple disciplines and institutions, 4) developing ripening technologies and ideas, and 5) focusing and committing resources to expedite viable technological and educational interventions.

The Center's scientific focus is on innovative research on 1) spatial and temporal properties of hydrologic variables, 2) processes controlling water and chemical balances in catchments, 3) functioning of riparian systems, 4) integrated modeling of catchment-scale processes, and 5) promoting researcher-user partnerships across the breadth of water resources management through technology transfer as an integral part of the day-to-day operation of the Center. Educational initiatives have a high profile in the Center and contribute to sustainability by bringing water resources issues to the forefront of science education in K-16 and promoting hydrologic literacy among the public. The Center is educating a new generation of water resources professionals in the interdisciplinary perspective and technological skills required for practicing sustainable water resources management.

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