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The EPA Global Warming Site: Climate section focuses on the science of global warming or climate change. The section relies heavily on the work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Trends - The EPA Global Warming Site Climate Trends section focuses on climate trends related to climate change, specifically in the areas of temperature, precipitation, and sea level.  Associated Pages: Temperature, Precipitation, Sea Level
Atmospheric Change - The EPA Global Warming Site Atmospheric Change section focuses on past and future atmospheric change related to global warming.  Associated Pages: Past, Future, Variability
Future Climate - The EPA Global Warming Site Future Climate section focuses on the science of global warming or climate change, specifically global temperature, sea level, and climate in the U.S.  Associated Pages: Global Temperature, Sea Level, US Climate
Uncertainties - The EPA Global Warming Site Uncertainties page provides many of the caveats and uncertainties associated with the theories of climate change and global warming.
Science FAQ - EPA Global Warming Site: Science FAQ is a compilation of information about climate change in Questions and Answers (Q&A;) format.  Associated Pages: Fundamentals, In More Detail, I've Heard, You and Your Business, Additional Questions

The EPA Global Warming Site - Emissions section provides a broad overview of greenhouse gas emission sources and sinks, introduces key concepts, and discusses the primary drivers for the growth in greenhouse gas emissions.

International - The EPA Global Warming Site International Emissions section provides a broad overview of greenhouse gas emission sources and sinks, introduces key concepts, and discusses the primary drivers for the growth in greenhouse gas emissions.  Associated Pages: Inventory, Projections
National - The EPA Global Warming Site National Emissions section provides a broad overview of all U.S. greenhouse gas emission sources and sinks, introduces key concepts, and discusses the primary drivers for the growth in greenhouse gas emissions.
State - The EPA Global Warming Site State Emissions section provides a broad overview of greenhouse gas emission sources and sinks, introduces key concepts, and discusses the primary drivers for the growth in greenhouse gas emissions.  Associated Pages: State GHG Inventories, Energy CO2 Inventories, Inventory Guidance
Local - The EPA Global Warming Site Local Emissions section provides a broad overview of greenhouse gas emission sources and sinks, introduces key concepts, and discusses the primary drivers for the growth in greenhouse gas emissions.
Individual - The EPA Global Warming Site Individual Emissions section provides a broad overview of greenhouse gas emission sources and sinks, introduces key concepts, and discusses the primary drivers for the growth in greenhouse gas emissions.  Associated Pages: In the Home, On the Road

The EPA Global Warming Site: Impacts section focuses on the potential impacts of global warming or climate change; the section relies heavily on the work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Rising global temperatures are expected to raise sea level, and change precipitation and other local climate conditions. Changing regional climate could alter forests, crop yields, and water supplies. It could also threaten human health, and harm birds, fish, and many types of ecosystems. Unfortunately, many of the potentially most important impacts depend upon whether rainfall increases or decrease, which can not be reliably projected for specific areas.

Health - The EPA Global Warming Site Health Impacts. Throughout the world, the prevalence of particular diseases and other threats to human health depend largely on local climate. Extreme temperatures can directly cause the loss of life. Moreover, several serious diseases only appear in warm areas. Finally, warm temperatures can increase air and water pollution, which in turn harm human health.
Polar Regions - The EPA Global Warming Site High Latitude Impacts. Climate models indicate that global warming will be felt most acutely at high latitudes, especially in the Arctic where reductions in sea ice and snow cover are expected to lead to the greatest relative temperature increases.
Mountains - The EPA Global Warming Site Mountain Impacts. Global climate change poses a number of potential risks to mountain habitats, although scientists cannot predict the impacts with confidence.  Associated Pages: Western Mountains
Forests - The EPA Global Warming Site Forest Impacts. The projected 2 degrees C (3.6 degrees F) warming could shift the ideal range for many North American forest species by about 300 km (200 mi.) to the north.
Non-tidal Wetlands - The EPA Global Warming Site: Impacts on Non-tidal Wetlands. Among the most biologically productive lands, wetlands cover approximately 4 to 6 percent of the Earth’s land surface. The high productivity results from the essential characteristic of a wetland: an area that is flooded part of the time but not all of the time. In addition to the high biological productivity, wetlands are important habitat for birds, fish, and other species. Wetlands are also important cleansing mechanisms for preventing pollutants from farms and other activities from running off and polluting rivers, lakes, and streams.
Coastal Zones - The EPA Global Warming Site Coastal Zone Impacts. Studies by EPA and others have estimated that along the U.S. Gulf and Atlantic coasts, a one foot (30 cm) rise in sea level is likely by 2050 and could occur as soon as 2025. In the next century, a two foot rise is most likely, but a four foot rise is possible.  Associated Pages: South Florida, Chesapeake Bay
Agriculture - The EPA Global Warming Site Agricultural Impacts. The success or failure of a harvest has always depended on climate, with the most important factor being a sufficiently moist soil during the growing season. During extended droughts such as the 1930s Dust Bowl, crop failures have been widespread. Some climatologists suggest that such conditions could become more widespread due to the drier soils that may accompany changing climate. Increased heat stress, more frequent flooding, and salinization of soils due to sea level rise could also threaten agriculture in some areas.  Associated Pages: Influencing Factors, Potential US Impacts, Uncertainties
Birds - The EPA Global Warming Site: Impacts - Birds. Climate change is likely to have both direct and indirect effects on birds. Higher temperatures can directly alter their life cycles. The loss of wetlands, beaches, and other habitat could have an equally important indirect effect, by making some regions less hospitable to birds than those regions are today.
National Parks - The EPA Global Warming Site: Impacts on National Parks and Public Lands. The impacts of climate change on public lands differ from the implications elsewhere in two fundamental respects. First, they are often unique: Yellowstone, Yosemite, Everglades, and many other National Parks were created because it was important to preserve these unusual areas in their natural state forever; Blackwater, Edmund Forsythe (formerly Brigantine), Audubon, and other National Wildlife Refuges were once typical of the natural environments in their respective regions, but today provide unique habit within their regions. Second, the importance and public ownership of these areas may present unique opportunities for ensuring their survival as climate changes.
State Impacts - EPA Global Warming: State Impacts provides state specific information sheets for the United States; the potential impacts of global warming or climate change are discussed on a state specific basis.  Associated Pages: Data Sources
International Impacts - The EPA Global Warming Site International Impacts.


International - The EPA Global Warming Site: Actions section focuses on actions and activities conducted or supported by governments, corporations, small businesses, and individuals that help address global warming issues.  Associated Pages: Technology Cooperation, Land Use & Forestry, Outreach
National - The EPA Global Warming Site: Actions section focuses on actions and activities conducted or supported by governments, corporations, small businesses, and individuals that help address global warming issues.  Associated Pages: Sound Science, Leadership, Partnerships
State -   Associated Pages: Action Plans, Case Studies, Technologies and Policy Options, Legislative Initiatives
Individual - The EPA Global Warming Site: Actions section focuses on actions and activities conducted or supported by governments, corporations, small businesses, and individuals that help address global warming issues.  Associated Pages: Make a Difference, Action Steps
Case Studies - The EPA Global Warming Site: Actions section focuses on actions and activities conducted or supported by governments, corporations, small businesses, and individuals that help address global warming issues. Case studies can be found throughout this site. In addition, there are several areas of the site that focus specifically on case studies:
Energy Efficiency - The EPA Global Warming Site: Actions section focuses on actions and activities conducted or supported by governments, corporations, small businesses, and individuals that help address global warming issues.
Industry - The EPA Global Warming Site: Actions section focuses on actions and activities conducted or supported by governments, corporations, small businesses, and individuals that help address global warming issues.  Associated Pages: Insurance Industry, Wise Rules
Transportation - The EPA Global Warming Site: Actions section focuses on actions and activities conducted or supported by governments, corporations, small businesses, and individuals that help address global warming issues.  Associated Pages: Fuel Efficiency and Miles Traveled, Alternatives
Waste - The EPA Global Warming Site: Actions section focuses on actions and activities conducted or supported by governments, corporations, small businesses, and individuals that help address global warming issues. Everyone knows that reducing waste is good for the environment. What most don’t know is that solid waste reduction and recycling help stop global climate change.  Associated Pages: Publications, Climate and Waste Contacts, Tools, Climate and Waste Projects, Basic Information
Agriculture and Forestry - The EPA Global Warming Site: Actions section focuses on actions and activities conducted or supported by governments, corporations, small businesses, and individuals that help address global warming issues.  Associated Pages: Agriculture and Environment, Biomass Production, Agriculture Systems Management, Government Programs

News and Events
EPA Global Warming Site: News and Events section focuses on current events, speeches, conferences, and other timely information related to global warming or climate change. .

Science and Policy News -
Speeches - The EPA Global Warming Site: In the News - Speeches section focuses on current events related to global warming or climate change. The section features climate change related speeches, press releases, and links to related sites.
Inside the Greenhouse -
Events Calendar - The EPA Global Warming Site Calendar focuses on current events related to global warming or climate change. The section features a schedule and description of upcoming events and links to related sites.
Events Calendar - The EPA Global Warming Site Calendar focuses on current events related to global warming or climate change. The section features a schedule and description of upcoming events and links to related sites.
Events Calendar - The EPA Global Warming Site Calendar focuses on current events related to global warming or climate change. The section features a schedule and description of upcoming events and links to related sites.
EPA Conferences - The EPA Global Warming Site Conferences focuses on upcoming EPA conferences related to climate change or global warming and presents reports from past conferences of the same nature.
Publications - The EPA Global Warming Site Publications section presents climate change related publications, information sheets, brochures, and other media that can be viewed, downloaded, reproduced and utilized.  Associated Pages: Waste Management, Outreach Material, Position Papers, Reference, US Climate Action Report, GHG Emissions, Sea Level Rise, International
Presentations - The EPA Global Warming Site Presentations section features climate change related slides and other media that can be viewed, downloaded, reproduced and utilized.  Associated Pages: Climate Science, GHG Emissions, Impacts
Tools - The EPA Global Warming Site: Online Tools section provides an overview of some of the specific tools offered to guests on the EPA Global Warming Site.  Associated Pages: Calculators, Case Studies, Software
List Servs - The EPA Global Warming Site - In the News - Global Climate Change ListServs page provides information on how to subscribe to EPA's Global Climate Change Lists for email providing subscribers with the latest news about global warming.  Associated Pages: GHG Inventory
Resource Guide - The EPA Global Warming Site: Publications - An Annotated Summary of Climate Change Related Resources. A tool for identifying the range of available resources pertaining to climate change.
Maps -
Data -

Where You Live

World -   Associated Pages: World Regions, IPCC Assessment Regions
United States -   Associated Pages: EPA Regions, States
Natural Places -   Associated Pages: Polar Regions, Mountains, Forests, Rangelands, Deserts, Coastal Zones, Fisheries, National Parks

Visitor Center
The EPA Global Warming Site - Visitor Center focuses on the impacts made by climate change of interest to particular groups and the actions that are being taken to stem those impacts.

Concerned Citizens - The EPA Global Warming Site - Visitor Center focuses on the impacts made by climate change of interest to particular groups and the actions that are being taken to stem those impacts. This is the introductory page for citizens concerned with this issue.
Educators - The EPA Global Warming Site - Visitor Center focuses on the impacts made by climate change of interest to particular groups and the actions that are being taken to stem those impacts. This is the introductory page for educators concerned with this issue.
Small Business - The EPA Global Warming Site - Visitor Center focuses on the impacts made by climate change of interest to particular groups and the actions that are being taken to stem those impacts. This is the introductory page for small businesses concerned with this issue.
Industry - The EPA Global Warming Site - Visitor Center focuses on the impacts made by climate change of interest to particular groups and the actions that are being taken to stem those impacts. This is the introductory page for industry concerned with this issue.
Coastal Residents - The EPA Global Warming Site - Visitor Center focuses on the impacts made by climate change of interest to particular groups and the actions that are being taken to stem those impacts.
Health Professionals - The EPA Global Warming Site - Visitor Center focuses on the impacts made by climate change of interest to particular groups and the actions that are being taken to stem those impacts. This is the introductory page for health hrofessionals and individuals interested in the link between human health and climate change.
Outdoor Enthusiasts - The EPA Global Warming Site - Visitor Center focuses on the impacts made by climate change of interest to particular groups and the actions that are being taken to stem those impacts. This is the introductory page for wildlife advocates concerned with this issue.
Outdoor Enthusiasts - The EPA Global Warming Site - Visitor Center focuses on the impacts made by climate change of interest to particular groups and the actions that are being taken to stem those impacts. This is the introductory page for wildlife advocates concerned with this issue.

Other Documents
The following pages are linked throughout the site from either the "header" or "footer" links at the top and bottom of the page.

About The Site - With the Global Warming Site, we strive to present accurate and timely information related to climate change and global warming in a way that is accessible and meaningful to all parts of society -- communities, individuals, business, public officials and governments.

Glossary of Climate Change Terms - The EPA Global Warming Site's Glossary of Climate Change Terms provides definitions for most of the specialized vocabulary found on this web site.

Recent Additions - Highlights major additions to the Global Warming Site. Featured items include significant new site content as well as technical improvements such as site navigation or design changes.


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Last Modified on Thursday, October 21st, 2004
