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India: Punjab - Twenty years on impunity continues

Iraq: AI appeals to armed groups for the safety and release of all hostages

Jamaica: Proposed terror law could undermine human security

Romania: Round table "Advocacy for Dignity"

Brazil: Time to Deliver

Despite promises violence against women continues unabated

USA: Call to presidential candidates to commit to ending torture

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Thailand: Memorandum on Human Rights Concerns

USA: Human dignity denied: Torture and accountability in the 'war on terror'

Democratic Republic of Congo: Mass rape - time for remedies

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Sudan in crisis

Woman in Kalma Internally Displaced Persons camp, South Darfur, Sudan

The 1.4 million people driven from their homes in Darfur are still at risk of unlawful killing; displacement, rape, detention, torture, starvation and disease.

Civilians still under threat in Darfur - An agenda for human rights

Video Video: Irene Khan, Amnesty International's Secretary General (Real player required)

Colombia: Women's bodies used as a battleground

By sowing terror, exploiting and manipulating women for military gain, armed groups in Colombia have turned women’s bodies into a battleground.

Colombia : “Scarred bodies, hidden crimes”: Sexual violence against women in the armed conflict

Tamara Chikunova does not know where her son Dmitry Chikunov is buried. Symbolically, she put up a gravestone for him in a cemetery in Tashkent

Make Europe and Central Asia a Death Penalty - Free Zone

Belarus and Uzbekistan are the only countries in Europe and Central Asia still carrying out executions. Sign our petition, and take an important step towards ending the death penalty.

Former death row inmate Evgeny Gugnin whose sentence was commuted after appeals from AI

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Stop violence against women campaign

Violence against women is the greatest human rights scandal of our times.
Sign up to the campaign and receive further information

control arms campaign

The Arms Trade is out of control. Worldwide arms are fuelling conflict, poverty, and human rights abuses.
Join the Million Faces petition

Child Soldiers Campaign

As armed conflict proliferates around the world, increasing numbers of children are exposed to the brutalities of war.

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The wire magazine

News stories and in-depth features from around the world, with appeal cases every month.

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