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United States Environmental Protection Agency
Technology Transfer Network
New Source Review
Begin Hierarchical Links EPA Home > Air & Radiation > TTNWeb - Technology Transfer Network > New Source Review > Bulletins and Memos > PSD Abstracts and Memos > Construction Activities Prior to Issuance of a PSD Permit with Respect to "Begin Actual Construction" 14.8 End Hierarchical Links


March 28, 1986 Construction Activities Prior to Issuance of a PSD Permit with Respect to "Begin Actual Construction" 14.8

The term "emissions unit" as defined at Section 52.21(a)(7) is clarified. Before issuance of the PSD permit, construction is prohibited on any emissions unit or on any installation designed to accommodate the emissions unit. Activities discussed in the December 18, 1978, memo as allowed prior to issuance of a PSD permit are undertaken at the risk of the owner or operator. Reaffirms December 1978 policy on preconstruction activities as still current.

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