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United States Environmental Protection Agency
Technology Transfer Network
New Source Review
Begin Hierarchical Links EPA Home > Air & Radiation > TTNWeb - Technology Transfer Network > New Source Review > Bulletins and Memos > PSD Abstracts and Memos > July 11, 1983 Request by the Hawaiian Electric Co. to Burn 2.0% Sulfur Fuel Oil at their Kahe Units #1-5. 4.26 End Hierarchical Links


July 11, 1983 Request by the Hawaiian Electric Co. to Burn 2.0% Sulfur Fuel Oil at their Kahe Units #1-5. 4.26

This memo describes a situation where a PSD source took an emissions reduction at several existing units to prevent a predicted violation of the SO2 NAAQS. The source now wants to increase emissions back to the old limit. The memo describes why this change would be a major modification.

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