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New Source Review
Begin Hierarchical Links EPA Home > Air & Radiation > TTNWeb - Technology Transfer Network > New Source Review > Bulletins and Memos > PSD Abstracts and Memos > Applicability of PSD and NSPS Requirements to the Wisconsin Electric Power Company (WEPCO) Port Washington Life Extension Project 4.37 End Hierarchical Links


September 9, 1988 Applicability of Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) and New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) Requirements to the Wisconsin Electric Power Company (WEPCO) Port Washington Life Extension Project 4.37

Although not an official applicability determination, this memo provided the preliminary opinion, based on the information collected up to the date of issue, that PSD and NSPS would apply to a "life extension" project at Port Washington Power Plant. Each element of PSD applicability via major modification and NSPS applicability were discussed in the context of information provided. This project involves restoring the physical and operational capabilities of each unit to its original capacity and extending the useful life of the units well beyond the planned retirement dates that would otherwise apply. This work appears to be non-routine, and, thus, to constitute a "physical change"; a significant net emissions increase would occur as a result of the work.
Notebook Entries: 23.29

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