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The National Air Pollutant Emission Trends Report, 1900-1998 document presents the estimate of national emissions of the criteria air pollutants. The emissions of each pollutant are estimated for many different source categories, which collectively account for all anthropogenic emissions. The Report presents the total emissions from all 50 states. These estimates are updated annually. The emission trends are the net effect of many factors, including changes in the nation's economy and in industrial activity, technology, consumption of fuels, traffic, and other activities that cause air pollution. The trends also reflect changes in emissions as a result of air pollution regulations and emission controls. These annual reports will serve as a measure of our nation's progress in reducing air pollution emissions as a result of mandatory and voluntary controls and of continuous changes in national activity.

For the latest trends information, visit the Air Pollutant Emission Trends Web Site.

Explanation of File Formats


(March 2000) EPA 454/R-00-002

Introductory Pages & Table of Contents (PDF 113K)
Executive Summary (PDF 38K)
Chapter 1. Introduction (PDF 43K)
Chapter 2. 1998 Emissions (PDF 1.3M)
Chapter 3. National Emission Trends 1900-1998 (PDF 396K)
Chapter 4. Section 406 of the Clean Air Act Amendments: Industrial S0 (PDF 166K)
Chapter 5. National Criteria Pollutant Estimation Methodologies (PDF 110K)
Chapter 6. Biogenic Emissions (PDF 399K)
Chapter 7. Hazardous Air Pollutants (PDF 1.4M)
Chapter 8. National Greenhouse Gas Emissions (PDF 107K)
Chapter 9. International Emissions (PDF 51K)
Appendix A. National Emissions by Source Category and Pollutant (PDF 253K)
MS Excel format for Appendix A (XLS 454K)
Technical Report Data (PDF 42K)
Index (PDF 23K)
Density Maps (PDF 1.6M)
Trend Charts (PDF 281K)
Consolidated Bibliography (PDF 17K)
Also available in a complete single file.
Complete National Pollutant Emission Trends: 1900-1998 Report (PDF 4.5M)

Hard copies of the Trends report are available from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) in Springfield, Virginia. The document order number is PB2000-108054. The phone number is (800)553-6847. The NTIS web address is

For the latest trends information, visit the Air Pollutant Emission Trends Web Site.


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