Clean Bill of Health Award

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[The Clean Bill of Health award is given only to top-level pages. Although individual focus pages are not given the award, they meet the same quality standards as award-winning pages. Read more]

Link-checking software and random manual spot checking are used to determine the connection rate of links on the lists included in the Hardin Meta Directory. All lists on our pages generally have connection rates of over 80% - We look at many lists with lower connection rates, that are not included, so anything on our pages is among the best in comparison with all link lists on the net. The Hardin MD Clean Bill of Health Award is given to the "best of the best" sites, that have connection rates of at least 93%.

The rank order of sites on our pages is determined both by the connection rate, and by the size of the list (number of links at the site). Generally the sites toward the top of each size category (large, medium, small) are the ones with the best connection rates, as indicated by the red asterisks. In some cases, however, a site is placed high on our list because it's very large even though it may not have a connection rate as high as others on the page. In all cases, however, the top three lists in the "Large" section are very close to the 93% threshhold.

Submitting a site for Clean Bill of Health Award consideration

If you have a list that's been given a Clean Bill of Health Award, and you'd like to display our award logo, please send e-mail to Eric Rumsey -- -- for instructions on downloading it.

Hardin Library for the Health Sciences, University of Iowa
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Last updated Wednesday, Dec 12, 2001 [60408]