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Summer Food Service Program


2004 Summer Sunshine Award - Letter to States and Application
2004 SFSP Week Proclamation
Outreach Initiative
2002 Sunshine Award Winners
Best Practices & Sunshine Awards
Regional Office Successful Outreach Summary
Model Programs Booklet 

State Agency Ideas

Sign up for CACFP-Summertalk

SFSP State Agencies are the "backbone" to millions of children receiving meals in the summer or during off-track times in year-round school. Even with all this effort, there are still sizable numbers of eligible children not receiving summer meals. Recently, a number of States have developed new and innovative ways to find organizations interested in becoming SFSP sponsors. These new ideas are listed above in State Agency Ideas. If your state has developed a new method or created an innovative idea to interest sponsors and sites, please submit the information to our office for consideration on this website. Visit the State Agency ideas page often to find new ideas.

Many states have reported much success in locating potential sponsors and needy areas when working with State and local advocacy organizations. These State and local advocacy organizations are very interested in the nutritional needs and well-being of children that will benefit from summer meals. The Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) provides a list of advocacy organizations in several states.

With the assistance of FRAC, several Model Programs administering the SFSP around the country have been developed and summarized. The Model Programs page provides some basic information about how a wide variety of organizations may participate in the program, even though the organization may not seem to be a "traditional" sponsor.

For State Agencies looking for basic program information, please visit Administration to find the most current version of the SFSP Regulations, Policy, and Program Data.

CACFP-Summertalk is an email discussion group (a listserv) for State agencies and sponsoring organizations participating in the Summer Food Service Program. CACFP-Summertalk is a forum to discuss topics, ask questions and even provide answers regarding the SFSP. To subscribe, click on the CACFP-Summertalk link, and you will be taken to USDA's National Agriculture Library website, which is the agency sponsoring the listserv. While there, click on that CACFP-Summertalk link. The link will open an email message to: . On the Subject line of the email, type "subscribe" and an email response will be sent to that computer requesting some additional information to complete the subscription process. And while you're on the NAL website, become familiar with the many resources available to State and local entities on a variety of topics.

The Secretary of Agriculture, Ann M. Veneman, has designated the week of May 30 through June 5, 2004, as Summer Food Service Program Week. The proclamation, in English and Spanish, of Summer Food Service Program Week is intended to raise awareness of program benefits and to promote wider participation of communities, encourage sponsoring organizations to participate and, most importantly, to increase the numbers of eligible children receiving nutritious meals.

We encourage you to use the proclamation as appropriate in conjunction with events that may be planned for that week. As you know, one of the primary objectives of the SFSP Outreach Initiative is to increase public awareness of the Program at all levels.


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Reauthorization Memoranda 2004  
2004 Sunshine Awards Application
2004 SFSP Proclamations  
SFSP PowerPoint Presentation
Recruiting Sites Brochure  
Reimbursement Rates for 2004  
2004 Administrative Handbooks  
Current Income Eligibility Guidelines
Seamless Summer Waivers  
Outreach Initiative  
    Accessibility | Privacy/Security | Nondiscrimination | USDA Last Modified: 05/26/2004