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The Yellow Book - Health Information for International Travel, 2003-2004

Model of a Correctly Completed International Certificate of Vaccination for Yellow Fever

An International Certificate of Vaccination must be complete in every detail; if incomplete or inaccurate, it is not valid. Revisions of this certificate dated 9–66, 9–69, 9–71, 1–74, 9–77, 1–82, or 11–91 are acceptable. A copy of the International Certificate of Vaccination, PHS-731, may be purchased for $1.00 ($15.00 per 100) from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402, telephone 1-202-512-1800. The stock number is 017-001-00483-9.

— Rosamond Dewart, Phyllis Kozarsky

Model of a correctly completed certificate - front of certificate Model of a correctly completed certificate - back of certificate
front of certificate back of certificate

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This page last reviewed October 23, 2003

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