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Electronic journals


information about AAS photo-bulletin 0065-7433 AAS photo-bulletin
information about AAVSO alert notice AAVSO alert notice
information about Abstracts of the papers communicated to the Royal Society of London 0365-0855 Abstracts of the papers communicated to the Royal Society of London
information about Abstracts of the papers printed in the Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London 0365-5695 Abstracts of the papers printed in the Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London
information about Acta astronautica 0094-5765 Acta astronautica
information about Acta astronomica 0001-5237 Acta astronomica
information about Advances in space research 0273-1177 Advances in space research
information about Agricultural meteorology 0002-1571 Agricultural meteorology
information about Air & space Europe 1290-0958 Air & space Europe
information about Annual review of astronomy and astrophysics 0066-4146 Annual review of astronomy and astrophysics
    v.1- (1963- )
    v.1-33 (1963-1995)
information about Applied optics 0003-6935 Applied optics
information about The Astronomical journal 0004-6256 The Astronomical journal
    v.115, no.1- (Jan.1998- )
    v.1-114 (1849-1997)
information about Astronomische Nachrichten 0004-6337 ; 1521-3994 (Electronic) Astronomische Nachrichten
    v.320, no.1- (March 1999- )
    v.297-319 (1975-1998)
information about Astronomy 0091-6358 Astronomy
information about Astronomy & astrophysics. Supplement series 0365-0138 ; 1286-4846 (Electronic) Astronomy & astrophysics. Supplement series
    v.116, no.2-v.147, no.3 (1996-2000)
    v.1-120 (1970-1996)
information about Astronomy & geophysics 1366-8781 ; 1468-4004 Astronomy & geophysics
information about Astronomy and astrophysics 0004-6361 ; 1432-0746 (Electronic) Astronomy and astrophysics
    v.1-316 (1969-1996). Letters: v.1-316 (1969-1996)
    v.365- (2001- )
    ABSTRACTS ONLY: v.335, no.3 (1998); v. 338, no. 1 (1998); v. 352, no.1 (1999)
    v.315, no.2 - v.364, no.3 (1996-2000)
information about The Astronomy and astrophysics review 0935-4956 ; 1432-0754 (Electronic) The Astronomy and astrophysics review
information about Astronomy letters 1063-7737 Astronomy letters
    v.26, no.1- (Jan.2000- )
    v.1-24 (1975-1998)
information about Astronomy reports 1063-7729 Astronomy reports
information about Astroparticle physics 0927-6505 Astroparticle physics
information about Astrophysica norvegica 0067-0030 Astrophysica norvegica
information about The Astrophysical journal 0004-637X The Astrophysical journal
    Journal: v.471- (Nov. 1, 1996- ). Letters: v.447- (July 1, 1995- ).
    Journal: v.1-473 (1895-1996). Letters: v.148-473 (1967-1996)
information about The Astrophysical journal. Supplement series 0067-0049 The Astrophysical journal. Supplement series
    v.107, no.2- (Dec.1997- )
    v.1-107 (1954-1996)
information about Astrophysics 0571-7256 Astrophysics
information about Astrophysics and space science 0004-640X Astrophysics and space science
information about Atmospheric science letters 1530-261X Atmospheric science letters
information about Baltic astronomy 1021-6766 Baltic astronomy
information about Boundary-layer meteorology 0006-8314 Boundary-layer meteorology
information about Bulletin - American Astronomical Society 0002-7537 Bulletin - American Astronomical Society
information about Bulletin astronomique de Belgrade 0354-2955 Bulletin astronomique de Belgrade
information about Bulletin of the astronomical institutes of Czechoslovakia 0004-6248 Bulletin of the astronomical institutes of Czechoslovakia
information about Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India 0304-9523 Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India
information about Celestial mechanics and dynamical astronomy 0923-2958 Celestial mechanics and dynamical astronomy
information about Chaos, solitons, and fractals 0960-0779 Chaos, solitons, and fractals
information about Chinese astronomy 0146-6364 Chinese astronomy
information about Chinese astronomy and astrophysics 0275-1062 Chinese astronomy and astrophysics
information about Chinese journal of astronomy and astrophysics 1009-9271 Chinese journal of astronomy and astrophysics
information about Chinese science abstracts. Part A 0254-5179 Chinese science abstracts. Part A
information about Chonmun Hakhoe chi 0253-3065 Chonmun Hakhoe chi
information about Comptes rendus de l'Academie des sciences. Serie II, Fascicule a, Sciences de la terre et des planetes 1251-8050 Comptes rendus de l'Academie des sciences. Serie II, Fascicule a, Sciences de la terre et des planetes
information about Comptes rendus de l'Academie des sciences. Serie IV, Physique, astrophysique 1296-2147 Comptes rendus de l'Academie des sciences. Serie IV, Physique, astrophysique
information about Comptes rendus physique 1631-0705 Comptes rendus physique
information about Contact in context Contact in context
information about Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnate Pleso 1335-1842 Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnate Pleso
information about Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnate Pleso supplements Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnate Pleso supplements
information about COSPAR information bulletin 0045-8732 COSPAR information bulletin
information about Earth, moon, and planets 0167-9295 Earth, moon, and planets
information about ESA bulletin 0376-4265 ESA bulletin
information about The European physical journal. C 1434-6044 ; 1434-6052 (Electronic) The European physical journal. C
    v.1, no,1/2- (1998- )
    v.1, no.1- (Jan. 1998- )
information about Experimental astronomy 0922-6435 Experimental astronomy
information about Geochimica et cosmochimica acta 0016-7037 Geochimica et cosmochimica acta
information about Geophysical and astrophysical fluid dynamics 0309-1929 Geophysical and astrophysical fluid dynamics
information about Global biogeochemical cycles 0886-6236 Global biogeochemical cycles
information about High pressure research 0895-7959 High pressure research
information about Historical studies in the physical and biological sciences 0890-9997 Historical studies in the physical and biological sciences
information about Icarus 0019-1035 ; 1090-2643 (Electronic) Icarus
information about Information bulletin 0538-4753 Information bulletin
information about Infrared physics 0020-0891 Infrared physics
information about Infrared physics & technology 1350-4495 Infrared physics & technology
information about JGR planets 0148-0227 JGR planets
information about JGR space physics 0148-0227 JGR space physics
information about Journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics 1364-6826 Journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics
information about Journal of cosmology and astroparticle physics 1475-7516 Journal of cosmology and astroparticle physics
information about Journal of geodesy 0949-7714 Journal of geodesy
information about Journal of the American Association of Variable Star Observers 0271-9053 Journal of the American Association of Variable Star Observers
information about Journal of the British Astronomical Association 0007-0297 Journal of the British Astronomical Association
information about The Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada 0035-872X The Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada
information about Lunar & planetary information bulletin 0891-4664 Lunar & planetary information bulletin
information about Meteoritics 0026-1114 Meteoritics
information about Meteoritics & planetary science 1086-9379 Meteoritics & planetary science
    v.1-37 (1953-2002)
    v.38, no.1- (Jan. 2003- )
information about Meteorology and atmospheric physics 0177-7971 Meteorology and atmospheric physics
information about Mineralogical magazine 0026-461X Mineralogical magazine
information about Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 0035-8711 ; 1365-8711 Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
    v.293, no.1- (Jan.1998- )
    v. 1-50, 63-301 (1827-1890, 1902-1998)
information about Nature 0028-0836 Nature
information about New astronomy 1384-1076 New astronomy
information about New astronomy reviews 1387-6473 New astronomy reviews
information about Nouvelle revue aeronautique, astronautique 1247-5793 Nouvelle revue aeronautique, astronautique
information about Il Nuovo cimento della Societa italiana di fisica. B 0369-3554 Il Nuovo cimento della Societa italiana di fisica. B
information about Il Nuovo cimento della Societa italiana di fisica. C 0390-5551 Il Nuovo cimento della Societa italiana di fisica. C
information about The Observatory 0029-7704 The Observatory
information about Philosophical transactions (1683-1775) 0260-7085 Philosophical transactions (1683-1775)
information about Physical review focus Physical review focus
information about Physics and chemistry of the earth. Part C, Solar-terrestrial and planetary science 1464-1917 Physics and chemistry of the earth. Part C, Solar-terrestrial and planetary science
information about Planetary and space science 0032-0633 Planetary and space science
information about Plasmas & ions 1288-3255 Plasmas & ions
information about Precambrian research 0301-9268 Precambrian research
information about Proceedings - Astronomical Society of Australia 0066-9997 Proceedings - Astronomical Society of Australia
information about Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 1323-3580 Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia
information about Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 0004-6264 Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan
    v.1-52 (1949-2000)
    v.53, no.1- (Feb. 2001- )
information about Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 0004-6280 Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
    v.110, no.743- (Jan.1998- )
    v.1-109 (1889-1997)
information about Radio science 0048-6604 Radio science
information about Radiophysics and quantum electronics 0033-8443 Radiophysics and quantum electronics
information about Revista mexicana de astronomia y astrofisica 0185-1101 Revista mexicana de astronomia y astrofisica
information about Science in China. Series A, Mathematics, physics, astronomy & technological sciences 1001-6511 Science in China. Series A, Mathematics, physics, astronomy & technological sciences
information about The Scientific monthly 0096-3771 The Scientific monthly
information about Sky and telescope 0037-6604 Sky and telescope
information about Solar physics 0038-0938 Solar physics
    v. 170, no. 1- (1997-).
    v.1-169 (1967-1996)
information about Solar system research 0038-0946 Solar system research
information about Soviet astronomy letters 0360-0327 Soviet astronomy letters
information about Space debris 1388-3828 Space debris
information about Space policy 0265-9646 Space policy
information about Space technology 0892-9270 Space technology
information about Studies in history and philosophy of science. Part A 0039-3681 Studies in history and philosophy of science. Part A
information about Studies in history and philosophy of science. Part B: studies in history and philosophy of modern physics 1355-2198 Studies in history and philosophy of science. Part B: studies in history and philosophy of modern physics
information about Vistas in astronomy 0083-6656 Vistas in astronomy
information about Zeitschrift fur Astrophysik 0372-8331 Zeitschrift fur Astrophysik
information about Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung. A, journal of physical sciences 0932-0784 Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung. A, journal of physical sciences

108 titles.


information about ADS: The NASA Astrophysics Data System  ADS: The NASA Astrophysics Data System
information about Aerospace & high technology database  Aerospace & high technology database
information about AIAA Electronic Library  AIAA Electronic Library
information about Delphion intellectual property network  Delphion intellectual property network
information about DOE energy citations database : DOE and Contractors version  DOE energy citations database : DOE and Contractors version
information about DOE energy citations database: Public version  DOE energy citations database: Public version
information about Expanded academic ASAP  Expanded academic ASAP
information about FlashPoint  FlashPoint
information about Inspec®  Inspec®
information about ISI proceedings®  ISI proceedings®
information about ISI SciSearch®  ISI SciSearch®
information about JSTOR  JSTOR
information about ScienceServer at LANL  ScienceServer at LANL
information about SearchPlus  SearchPlus
information about Simbad astronomical database  Simbad astronomical database

15 databases.

Calculators and converters

Martindale's Calculators On-Line Center: Physics, Astrophysics & Astronomy

Conferences and meetings

AIAA Conferences & Events

American Astronomical Society (AAS) Meetings

International Astronomy Meetings List - From the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope.


NASA acronyms

A Catalogue of Galactic Supernova Remnants - Catalogue of 225 Galactic SNRs, from the Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory.


The Star*s Family - StarWorlds - Searchable list of organizations, institutions, associations, etc. from around the world

Fun Stuff

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Guides to web resources

AstroWeb: Astronomy and astrophysics on the Internet

Encyclopedia Astronautica - News and extensive reference materials on U.S. and Russian spaceflight programs

PSIgate - Astronomy

Yahoo Astronomy


International Astronomical Union



High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center - Archive from NASA Goddard

HyperPhysics - An exploration environment for concepts in physics, employing concept maps

The Messier Catalog

NASA Spacelink

The Nine Planets - A multimedia tour of the solar system.

Notes on Motion - Galisteo's manuscript

Parallax Project - Star parallax data and calculations from the Allengheny Observatory, 1910-1969.

U.S. Naval Observatory Data Services - Sunset, sunrise, moon phases, transits, and other data

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Los Alamos National Laboratory