About GSA
About GSA More Reasons to Celebrate the WWII Memorial

Like other Americans, NCR associates are proud of the recent WWII National Memorial that was dedicated here on May 29, 2004. It honors the sixteen million men and women who served in the U.S. Armed Forces during World War II, the more than 400,000 who died, and the millions who supported the war effort from home. The memorial is a monument to the spirit, sacrifice, and commitment of the American people to the common defense of the nation and to the broader causes of peace and freedom.

The region has another reason to be proud. Through a Memorandum of Understanding with the American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC), GSA, NCR was responsible for the management and contracting for the design and construction of the Memorial. As part of that agreement, we were charged with working with the approving agencies in the process. Congratulations to the following NCR associates whose dedication, professionalism, and achievements helped to ensure a Memorial to the "greatest generation" that is distinct, memorable, evocative, and serene:

Name Title
Doug Nelson Project Executive
Brian Peper Design Project Manager
Darrell Brown Construction Project Manager
Denise Zervas Assistant Construction Project Manager
Nancy Weaver Budget Analyst
Kathy McCartney Construction Attorney
Christine Kelly Contracting Officer
Lydia Kupersmith(deceased) Design and Artwork Attorney

While NCR provided project management and contracting services to support the establishment and construction of the memorial, it was built by a joint venture between Tompkins Builders and Grunley Walsh Construction. Gilbane Building Company provided construction quality management services for the project. Construction began in September 2001 and the memorial was opened to the public in April 2004.

Standing as a symbol of American national unity, the memorial is a timeless reminder of the moral strength and awesome power of a free people united and bonded together in a common and just cause.


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Last Reviewed 8/30/2004