Our Sounds:America's Recorded Sound Heritage Project
A Save America's Treasures Project of the Smithsonian
and the Library of Congress
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more about the Save Our Sounds project
Learn more about the archives and collections - Learn
more about sound preservation
Mountain Chief of the Blackfoot Tribe listens to a cylinder
recording of a Blackfoot song made by Frances Densmore
(left), 1906. Library of Congress.
The American Folklife Center in
the Library of Congress and the Center for Folklife and Cultural
Heritage in the Smithsonian Institution are collaborating on a
landmark project to preserve our audio heritage-- irreplaceable
recordings of America's music and the voices of her people.
The Save America's Treasures program of the White House
Millenium Council has awarded a grant of $750,000 toward this effort,
recognizing these recordings as irreplacable American treasures.
We have eighteen months to raise $750,000 in matching funds. We
hope that everyone, citizens, musicians, and cultural advocates
everywhere, will support this crucial effort.
The archives at these two institutions include over 140,000 one-of-a-kind
non-commercial field recordings of American stories, songs, poems,
speech, and roots music from 1890 to the present. There are iconic
recordings such as Woody Guthrie's This Land is Your Land and
Leadbelly's Good Night Irene, and there are over a million
other recordings from every state in the nation and many nations
around the world.
With your help, Smithsonian and Library of Congress experts, working
in concert, will recover, protect, and preserve the most endangered
and priceless recordings from their collections.
This high-profile national project will bring the critical issue
of sound preservation to the attention of the public and will help
toward the preservation of recorded sound throughout the nation.
A video about the Save Our Sounds project narrated by Mickey Hart
is available online at the Smithsonian's
Save Our Sounds website.
The American Folklife Center provides presentations of selected
ethnographic collections online, with recordings, images, and text,
through the Library of Congress American Memory Project. These
provide examples of the types of collections the Save Our Sounds
project hopes to preserve.