Selected Data on S&E; Doctorate Awards, 1994 - List of Tables

List of Tables

Tables Titles
1Science and engineering doctorates awarded, by field of study and year of doctorate: 1985-94
2Science and engineering doctorates awarded to women, field of study and year of doctorate: 1985-94
3Science and engineering doctorates awarded, by citizenship status, sex, racial/ethnic group, and major field of study of recipients: 1985-94
4Science and engineering doctorates awarded, by major field and citizenship status of recipients: 1985-94
4aPercentage distribution of science and engineering doctorates awarded, by major field and citizenship status of recipients: 1985-94
5Non-U.S. citizens awarded science and engineering doctorates, by country of citizenship, visa type, and year of doctorate:1985-94
6Institutions conferring science and engineering doctorates, by State, institution, and major field: 1994
7Postgraduation plans of science and engineering doctorate recipients,by citizenship status and major field: 1994
8Percentage distribution of definite postgraduation plans of science and engineering doctorate recipients, by citizenship status and major field: 1994
9Postgraduation plans of science and engineering doctorate recipients, by sex and major field: 1994
10Percentage distribution of definite post graduation plans of science and engineering doctorate recipients, by sex and major field: 1994

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