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November 19, 2004
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Tips for maintaining your independence: An interview with a Mayo Clinic specialist

By Mayo Clinic staff

Independence may be something you take for granted throughout most of your life. As you become older, staying independent can present more of a challenge. But aging doesn't have to preclude independence. Paul Takahashi, M.D., a geriatrician at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn., offers his advice on how to stay independent.

In your experience, how important is independence and why?

Paul Takahashi, M.D.In my experience, maintaining a sense of independence represents a good quality of life. As a geriatrician, I've talked with many older adults regarding their concerns about becoming older. Most people don't want to live longer — they want to live better. They're concerned about living as independently as possible for as long as they can, whether that's in their home, a senior apartment or an assisted-living center. Typically, people want to remain in their home, drive their car and enjoy the activities they normally do.

What can you do to maintain your independence?

Maintaining independence involves planning and action. The most important thing you can do is set goals and plan for the future. If you want to maintain your independence, talk with your doctor about how you can accomplish that. It might just mean purchasing a new pair of glasses so that you're seeing as well as possible. Or it could mean making adjustments to your home to decrease your risk of falling — for example, by removing scatter rugs or increasing lighting. If your needs are greater, it may mean using a cane or walker or asking for help with certain tasks.

One of your most important goals should be maintaining your physical health. Try to:

  • Exercise and stay active. Set goals for physical activity, even if it's as little as walking 10 minutes a day using a walker. Exercise improves muscle and skeletal strength, which may reduce your risk of falling and help you stay in your home longer. Use assistive devices, such as canes and walkers, if you need to.
  • Manage chronic health condition(s). If you have chronic health conditions, such as heart or lung disease, set goals to manage your condition(s). Take medications as directed.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Make sure you're eating enough food and drinking enough water. Maintain a healthy diet based on a variety of foods. And be sure to get enough rest. Also consider modifying your home and driving habits to create a safer environment and make it easier to accomplish daily tasks.

In addition to setting goals to meet these basic needs, make sure you're connected to other people. Maintain a good network of family and friends. Consider volunteering to remain in touch with the community. Staying connected helps prevent the risk of isolation. I actively encourage people to be involved, to have a purpose for waking up every morning — set goals for what you want to do each day.

Since independence involves many different things, what do you think it means in terms of getting older?

Independence is a very individualized issue. It varies based upon your needs, where you live and your family support. I suggest that you think of independence as maintaining the highest level of functioning you can in whatever environment you're in. For example, you might live in a nursing home for a variety of reasons. This doesn't mean you can't have any independence — be as active as you can be in the nursing home. Whatever your situation might be, work with your doctor to determine how you can increase your level of independence.

Think about it as adapting to your environment and abilities. This is a common human response. We learn to adapt at a very young age. When you were too short to reach the kitchen sink, maybe you used a step stool. As you become older, adapting may mean you need to use a bath bench in your shower or ask a friend to help you by driving you to the grocery store.

Who should you ask for help?

For some people, asking for help can be difficult. Life is a circle. At some point your children or others probably relied upon you for help. Don't be afraid to ask them for help when you need it. Talk to your doctor, family or community organizations and agencies about what other services or options might be available to meet your needs.

When should you ask for help?

Different people have very different needs and in different stages. For example, you might need help making sure your bills get paid, mowing the lawn or completing tasks within your home. At some point you may need to ask about using a walker or other device to help you get around. Or you may need a nurse or therapist to visit you once a week, or have Meals-On-Wheels deliver food each day. Later it may not be safe to stay in your home alone, and you may need to consider a smaller or more structured environment, such as an apartment, an assisted-living center or a nursing home. Whatever your situation, be willing to ask for what you need.

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June 30, 2003


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