Errata - 10/28/98

1.  Page xiv, first column, sentence starting in the 5th line from the bottom should read:  "Higher energy prices, as a result of carbon prices, alter the characteristics or availability of energy-using technologies in some sectors (e.g., electricity, industrial, transportation)".

2.  Page 114, Table 23, the coal mining regions should be labeled:  Appalachia, Interior, Nothern Great Plains, Other West.   (The Powder River Basin is a geological unit entirely within Southeastern Montana, and Northeastern Wyoming; the lignite resources in Eastern Montana, North and South Dakota are part of the another geologic unit, the Fort Union Basin).  Also, Alabama and Tennessee have been inadvertently left out of the list of states making up Appalachia.

3.  Update Figure 93 for 1990+24% cases.

4.  Figure 101 should be Thousand Barrels, not Million Barrels.

5. Table 16 - Units for Overnight Capital Cost are 1996 Dollars per kW, not kWh.

6.  Page 56 - Delete the first paragraph, starting with "In every carbon their success."