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Botany & Rare Plants' includes the National Botany & Rare Plants Program, the planning, litigation and appeals aspect of botanical resources, and the National Botanical Ecology Unit.

The National Botany & Rare Plants Program, and the Planning, Litigation and Appeals aspect of botanical resources, assist field botanists in attaining the Chief's priorities and managing botanical resources from a healthy ecosystem perspective.

Program Initiatives include "Celebrating Wildflowers" and "Native Plant Conservation". Initiatives are special topics to which we give added emphasis through projects, events, literature and funding. The intent of our varied Initiatives is to help us and our partners move forward to accomplish specific management goals for certain key issues.

The Botanical Ecology Unit (BEU) is a virtual unit. It currently exists only on the internet via the combined efforts and talents of all the professionals involved. Without the benefit of an appointed staff, BEU's strives to facilitate the transfer of technology and technical information from research to field botanists.

image of Trillium PistrangPlant News

Lingua Botanica

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Watershed, Fish, Wildlife, Air & Rare Plants
Washington, D.C. Office
Author: Shelly Witt, National Continuing Education Coordinator,
WFW staff
Phone: 435-753-4838
Expires: none

Photo Credits

USDA Forest Service
P.O. Box 96090
Washington, D.C. 20090-6090
(202) 205-8333

 Last Modified: January 21, 2003