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International Security
Updated: 28 Oct 2004   
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U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage
U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage, in Moscow Oct. 28, says the U.S. and Russia will stand side-by-side to defeat terrorism. (AP/WWP)
No Knowledge of Russian Link to Missing Arms, Armitage Says
Declines to speculate on Arafat's health

U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage said October 28 that he has not seen any information linking Russia to the explosives reported missing in Iraq.

"I've never seen any such information at all and I believe that the official spokesman of the Pentagon has already said there is no such information to that regard," Armitage said as he was leaving the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Moscow after meetings with Russian officials.

The disappearance of some 380 tons of explosives from a site sealed by the International Atomic Energy Agency has become an issue in the U.S. presidential campaign.  (complete text)

U.S. Pressing Sudan to Rein in Militias, Powell Says
Also says Iraqi Survey Group to seek facts on al-Qaqaa explosives

Secretary of State Colin Powell says the security situation in the Darfur region of Sudan has yet to be stabilized, but the United States has been working with the African Union to put its troops in the region to help provide security.

During a television interview October 28, Powell said the first aircraft bearing African Union troops was en route to Sudan. (complete text)

U.S. Remains "Strong Friend," Powell Tells South Korean Students
Force reductions do not reduce U.S. commitment to ROK defense, he says

The reduction of U.S. troops in South Korea does not reduce U.S. military capability or commitment to South Korea's defense, says Secretary of State Colin Powell.

"You still have a strong friend," Powell told Korean students in Seoul October 26. (complete text)

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Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, right and South Korean Defense Minister Yoon Kwang Ung stand during the National Anthem at the Pentagon on Oct. 22.
Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, right, and South Korean Defense Minister Yoon Kwang Ung stand during the National Anthem at the Pentagon, Oct. 22, before meeting to discuss mutual defense and military realignment issues. (AP/WWP)

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