Stories of the Development of Large Scale Scientific Computing


Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory


An Oral and Pictorial History

Compiled by

George A. Michael

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (Ret.)

(and others)


Introduction by George A. Michael


You are on The Main Page

Page 1: Interviews of people who were part of the development of computing at LLNL

Page 2: Contributions from others

Page 3: People we'd like to interview

Page 4: Significant hardware and software work

Page 5: Other Web Sites That May Be Of Interest

Send us your comments!

Participants and Supporters of this Project
Catherine Williams George A. Michael SharonLee Danielson
Catherine Williams George A. Michael SharonLee Danielson
Jed Donnelley Sam Coleman Tom DeBoni
Jed Donnelley Sam Coleman Tom DeBoni