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Rule and Implementation Information for Small Municipal Waste Combustors

(Docket# A-89-08, A-90-45, and A-98-18)

last updated

The purpose of this page is to provide information regarding EPA's air emission regulations for Small MWC Units.   A separate web page exists for Large MWC Units.   Information is categorized into three groups as follows: (1) Rule Information, (2) Technical Information, and (3) Implementation Information.   Descriptions of (and direct links to) these areas are provided below.

Rule Information -- This area contains Federal Register notices for both proposed and promulgated (final) rules.   The Federal Register notices summarize the basis of the rules and include the actual regulatory text.   In addition, links to closely related rules, policies, or program guidance are provided here.

Technical Information -- This area contains technical information used in developing the rules.   Background documents are available for download.   In addition, fact sheets which summarize the requirements of the rules are available here.

Implementation Information -- This area contains implementation information including guidance for States and the current status of State Plans.   In addition, compliance and enforcement information is provided here.

Rule Information

Proposed and Promulgated Rules

  • Subpart Eb of 40 CFR Part 60 - New Source Performance Standards for Large Municipal Waste Combustors constructed after September 20, 1994

  • Subpart Cb of 40 CFR Part 60 - Emission Guidelines for Large Municipal Waste Combustors constructed on or before September 20, 1994

  • Subpart AAAA of 40 CFR Part 60 - New Source Performance Standards for Small Municipal Waste Combustion Units

  • Subpart BBBB of 40 CFR Part 60 - Emission Guidelines for Small Municipal Waste Combustion Units

    File Download
    09/20/94 59 FR 48198, 48228, and 48258 Proposed Rules Proposal - Subparts Eb and Cb*
    12/19/95 60 FR 65387 Rules/ Regulations Final Rule - Subparts Eb and Cb  
    12/19/95 60 FR 65438 Notices Lead-acid Battery Remand  
    08/25/97 62 FR 45116 Rules/ Regulations Final Rule - Court-Ordered Amendments to Subparts Eb and Cb  
    08/25/97 62 FR 45124 Rules/ Regulations Final Rule - Technical Amendments to Subparts Eb and Cb  
      7/98 N/A Rules/ Regulations Regulatory Text for Subpart Cb including all amendments  
      7/98 N/A Rules/ Regulations Regulatory Text for Subpart Eb including all amendments  
      10/27/97 N/A Rules/ Regulations Redline/Strikeout of Regulatory Text for Subparts Eb and Cb highlighting all amendments*  
    8/30/99 64 FR 47275 Proposed Rules Proposal - Subpart AAAA  
    8/30/99 64 FR 47233 Proposed Rules Proposal - Subpart BBBB  
    12/06/00 65 FR 76349 Final Rule NSPS Small MWC  
    12/06/00 65 FR 76377 Final Rule Emission Guidelines for Existing MWC Units  
    06/14/01 66 FR 32483 Proposal Proposed Federal Plan Requirements for Small Municipal Waste Combustion Units Constructed On or Before August 30, 1999  
    01/31/03 68 FR 5144 Final Federal Plan Requirements for Small Municipal Waste Combustion Units Constructed On or Before August 30, 1999: final rule  
    NOTES: All files are Government Printing Office (GPO) files unless otherwise indicated by *.  

    Closely Related Rules, Policies or Program Guidance

  • Large MWC   40 CFR Part 60 Subparts Ea, Eb, and Cb - New Source Performance Standards and Emission Guidelines for Large Municipal Waste Combustors

  • Industrial Boilers   40 CFR Part 60 Subpart Db - New Source Performance Standards for Industrial, Commercial, Institutional Steam Generating Units (includes requirements for units burning municipal waste)

  • Incinerators - Subpart E   40 CFR Part 60 Subpart E - New Source Performance Standards for Incinerators constructed after August 17, 1971

  • Hazardous Waste Combustors   40 CFR Part 63 Subpart EEE - National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants from Hazardous Waste Combustors

  • Medical Waste Incinerators   40 CFR Part 60 Subparts Ec and Ce - New Source Performance Standards and Emission Guidelines for Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incinerators

  • List of other combustion-related rules

    Technical Information

    Background Information Document (BID)/Response to Comments

  • All of the materials listed below (as well as other information considered by EPA in developing the Small MWC regulations) are available in Dockets A-89-08, A-90-45, and A-98-18 for public inspection and copying by visiting EPA's Air and Radiation Docket and Information Center (the Docket). A reasonable fee may be charged for copying. The telephone number for the Docket Office is 202-260-7548. Each Docket has a complete index of all materials contained in the docket.

  • Reports identified with an EPA number (e.g., EPA-453/R-95-0136) are in the docket, but are also available (for a fee) through the National Technical Information Service (NTIS). NTIS documents are identified by a publication number in the table below (e.g., PB90-154857). To order through NTIS, call 1-800-553-6847 or fax (703) 321-8547 or email  Visit the NTIS Website Exit EPA disclaimer  to search for additional documents.

  • Some of the items below are available for immediate download.

    Date Description (EPA number) Item Number in Docket NTIS Number File Download
    Docket A-89-08
    8/89 Municipal Waste Combustors - Background Information for Proposed Standards: Cost Procedures (EPA-450/3-89-27a) III-B-001 PB90-154840 docket/NTIS
    8/89 Municipal Waste Combustors - Background Information for Proposed Standards: 111(b) Model Plant Description and Cost Report (EPA-450/3-89-27b) III-B-002 PB90-154857 docket/NTIS
    8/89 Municipal Waste Combustors - Background Information for Proposed Standards: Post-Combustion Technology Performance (EPA-450/3-89-27c) III-B-003 PB90-154865 docket/NTIS
    8/89 Municipal Waste Combustors - Background Information for Proposed Standards: Control of NOx Emissions (EPA-450/3-89-27d) III-B-008 PB90-154873 docket/NTIS
    8/89 Municipal Waste Combustors - Background Information for Proposed Guidelines for Existing Facilities (EPA-450/3-89-27e) III-B-009 PB90-154881 docket/NTIS
    8/89 Municipal Waste Combustion Assessment: Combustion Control at New Facilities (EPA-600/8-89-057) III-B-004 PB90-154923 docket/NTIS
    8/89 Municipal Waste Combustion Assessment: Technical Basis for Good Combustion Practices (EPA-600/8-89-063) III-B-006 PB90-154949 docket/NTIS
    Docket A-90-45
    3/94 Economic Impact Analysis for Proposed Emission Standards and Guidelines for Municipal Waste Combustors (Subparts Eb and Cb)
    III-B-001 PB94-213543 docket/NTIS
    10/95 Municipal Waste Combustion: Background Information for Promulgated Standards and Guidelines - Summary of Public Comments and Responses (Subparts Eb and Cb)
    V-B-1 PB96-163431  
    June 2000 Small Municipal Waste Combustors: Background Information Document for New Source Performance Standards and Emission Guidelines-Public Comments and Responses


    FACT Sheets

    8/99 Technical Fact Sheet - 1999 Proposed NSPS (Subpart AAAA)  
    8/99 Technical Fact Sheet - 1999 Proposed EG (Subpart BBBB)  

    Implementation Information

    Implementation Documents

    09/10/04 Status of state plans file on the SMWC as of 09/10/04   

    Compliance and Enforcement Information

    Compliance and Applicability Determination Index

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