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Illustration of child making dough in a bowlMake Your Own Dough
You can make your own play-dough for your kitchen volcano. If you want a permanent volcano, you can ask your adult partner to bake it in a 250-degree oven for about an hour. Baking hardens the play-dough so that it lasts for as long as you want it. Here’s how you do it:

You Need: (if you need more play-dough, just double the recipe!)

  • 2 cups flour
  • 1 cup salt
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • About 1 cup water

To Do:

  1. Mix the flour and salt in a big bowl.
  2. Add the vegetable oil and stir.
  3. Slowly add the water and stir until the mixture feels like clay to you.
  4. Roll the clay into a ball, put it in a plastic bag, and refrigerate it for an hour.
  5. Take the clay out of the refrigerator — and build your volcano!


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Illustration of child building a "Deep Sea Vent"Build a
“Deep Sea Vent”

Deep sea vents are cracks in the Earth’s surface. Out of these cracks pour boiling hot chemicals that look like black smoke. You can build your own “black smoker” by following the directions below. You can also learn more about black smokers and vents by visiting this Web site:

You Need:

  • Adult partner
  • String
  • Food coloring
  • Large glass jar
  • Small glass jar that can fit easily into the larger jar
  • Cold water
  • Warm water

To Do:

Important: Do this activity in the kitchen!

  • Tie the string tightly around the neck of the smaller jar, so that you can lift it up safely. Put a few drops of food coloring into the jar.
  • Fill the larger jar about three-quarters full with cold water. Fill the smaller jar with warm tap water.
  • Pick up the smaller jar by the string, and lower it down into the large jar. Let it settle gently on the bottom.
  • Watch what happens! The warm water in the smaller jar rises like hot gases from a deep-sea vent. You can see the water’s movement because of the food coloring. Scientists can see black smokers for the same reason: their black color contrasts with ordinary ocean water.

Click on the image to enlarge



The Hottest Links on Earth
Are you ready to explore volcanoes? Want to know more about our amazing planet Earth? Visit some of these “hot links” and find out more! You can also check out the Resources section for more links.


Build a supercontinent in this issue’s Brain Buster!


Contents  Cool Science Stuff: Pangaea Puzzle  find out why