NSF A Partnership of the National Science Foundation and Time For Kids

Time for Kids

Be an Earth Day Scientist  
find out why banner Vol 1. No.5


Next time, THINK before you DRINK!


Boy examining beaker of dirty water

Get Out the Gunk!

The InvestiGator

Germs, Be Gone!

Role Model

Find Out More!

Our Cool Science Books of the Month:
The Magic School Bus at the Waterworks by Joanna Cole (Scholastic; 1993; $4.99). Hop on the bus to learn how cities and towns clean their water. (You can also get this book in Spanish.)

Water Squeeze by Mary O'Neil (Troll Associates; 1991; $5.95). How important is water to our lives? How can we keep it clean? Here's how.

Our Cool Science Websites of the Month:
http://www.epa.gov/OGWDW/kids/index.html This site has some great experiments, including one on filtering water.

http://www.groundwater.org/kids/kids.htm Learn what one group is doing to keep the Earth's water clean.

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