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USAID Assists Afghan Earthquake Victims


(202) 712-4320


March 29, 2002

Contact: USAID Press Office

Baghlan Province, Afghanistan-The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has responded with the immediate delivery of humanitarian and emergency relief to support the critical needs of the earthquake victims in Afghanistan. USAID provided $25,000 to the Afghanistan Interim Authority within 24 hours of the earthquake to assist in the earthquake recovery effort. USAID assistance will provide: tents, blankets, shelter supplies, household kits, food commodities and fuel for the earthquake victims.

Andrew S. Natsios, Administrator for the U.S. Agency for International Development, noted, "Between the U.S. and other donors, 15,000 tents and 100,000 blankets have been delivered primarily by truck and helicopter to the victims located in the Nahrin District in Baghlan Province. The destruction of homes by the earthquake and the current winter conditions in Afghanistan make shelter a priority for the earthquake victims. Because of the ongoing reconstruction efforts, there are sufficient relief supplies in Afghanistan to assist the earthquake effort."

Support for the Earthquake Victims in Afghanistan provided by USAID and Partners:

United Nation's Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs has established a coordination cell in Kabul and a base of operations in Nahrin, Baghlan Province, the most severely affected town.

Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development provided tents, blankets and other emergency commodities.

USAID's Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance airlifted 37,500 blankets to the United Nation's Children's Fund (UNICEF) in Mazar-e-Sharif.

International Rescue Committee will provide a health team, tents, blankets, and supplies of sugar, beans, and vegetable oil to feed 4,750 families in Baghlan Province for six months.

Concern Worldwide rushed shelter supplies and household kits to the earthquake area.

International Organization for Migration is providing blankets and fuel to affected districts and ground transportation for relief commodities.

UNICEF is providing water and sanitation assistance.

In fiscal year 2001, Afghanistan was the United States' top recipient of humanitarian aid, receiving $174 million before September 11. During the last several months, the U.S. has played a leading role in meeting the Afghans' immediate needs for food, water, shelter and medicine. The U.S. has pledged nearly $300 million in this fiscal year for Afghan relief and reconstruction. The U.S. Agency for International Development has provided economic and humanitarian assistance worldwide for more than 40 years.

For more information about USAID assistance to Afghanistan, go to www.usaid.gov/about/afghanistan.
