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Last Update: 11-12-02
E-mail: geowebmaster@nsf.gov

NSF global change research programs support research and related activities that advance fundamental understanding of dynamic physical, biological, and socioeconomic systems as well as interactions among those systems.

Research Programs

gold buttonAntarctic Ecosystems
gold buttonArctic System Science
gold buttonClimate Modeling, Analysis, & Prediction
gold buttonClimate Variability & Predictaibility
gold buttonCoastal Long-Term Ecological Research (cLTER/LMER)

gold buttonEarth System History
gold buttonEcological Diversity
gold buttonEcological Rates of Change
gold buttonGEODATA
gold buttonGlobal Ocean Ecosystems Dynamics
gold buttonGlobal Tropospheric Chemistry Program
gold buttonGreenhouse Gas Dynamics
gold buttonHuman Dimensions of Global Change
gold buttonJoint Global Ocean Flux Study

gold buttonOcean Observation, Data Assimilation, and Modeling
gold buttonPolar Ozone Depletion/UV Radiation Effects
gold buttonRegional Research Institutes
gold buttonRidge Interdisciplinary Global Experiments
gold buttonSolar Influences
gold buttonWater & Energy: Atmospheric-Vegetative-Earth Interactions
gold buttonWorld Ocean Circulation Experiment