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A detail is the temporary assignment of an employee to a different position or set of duties for a specified period with the employee returning to his/her original position at the end of the detail. There is no formal position change; officially the employee continues to hold the position from which detailed and keeps the same status and pay. Employees do not need to meet qualification standards in order to be detailed.

Details are intended for meeting temporary needs of the agency's work program when necessary services cannot be provided by other means. Details can be used in situations such as temporary shortage of employees or in emergency work situations.

An employee who continues to carry out the duties of the position to which permanently assigned and also performs some of the duties of another position for a limited time generally is not considered to be on detail. Details to higher level positions must be made competitively when the duration of the detail will exceed 120 days.

The duration of a detail is effected in 120-day increments and may be assigned to permanent or temporary employees. For employees covered by the bargaining unit, the union contract should be reviewed prior to effecting a detail.

n 5 CFR Chapter 300
n 5 CFR Chapter 301
n 370 DM 335
RELATED TOPICS: Temporary Promotion

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Revised: 11/10/98
DOI University
National Business Center
U.S. Department of the Interior