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The basic rule is that, Federal agencies are prohibited by law (section 1342 of title 31, United States Code) from accepting volunteer service. No person may provide unpaid service to the Government or provide service with the understanding that he or she will waive pay. Agencies are required by law to pay employees serving in positions under the General Schedule and the Prevailing Rate System (WG/WS). Exceptions to this prohibition are provided only for:
  1. Employment in emergencies involving the protection of life or property;
  2. Employment of assistants to handicapped employees;
  3. Employment of experts and consultants; and
  4. Eemployment of students to further their educational goals (see below).

Specific authorities to accept unpaid services for specific jobs or functions have been granted to some agencies. Within DOI, volunteer services are accepted within each of our bureaus. Contact your Personnel Office if you wish to initiate volunteer service agreements.

n Title 5 USC Ch 31;
n 5 CFR Chapter 308
RELATED TOPICS: Student Educational Employment Program

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Revised: 11/10/98
DOI University
National Business Center
U.S. Department of the Interior