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The NLM Current Bibliographies in Medicine series contains a number of issues of interest to the HSR community.

Telemedicine: Past, Present, Future covers the period January 1966 through March 1995 and contains 1634 citations. For further information concerning NLM's telemedicine initiatives, refer to the National Library of Medicine Telemedicine Related Programs fact sheet or NLM National Telemedicine Initiative Home Page.

Confidentiality of Electronic Health Data: Methods for Protecting Personally Identifiable Information, contains 448 citations dating from 1990 through March 1996, and covers both technological (e.g., access control, audit trails, electronic signatures, encryption, smart cards) and policy (e.g., education and training, secondary use of data, legal aspects) issues as well as major organizations involved with electronic privacy and security.

Public Health Informatics, covers the science of applying information-age technology to serve the specialized needs of public health. Developed with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it contains 471 references from 1980 through December 1995 and reflects a wide range of issues from networking, software, and emergency management systems to the development of systems for the surveillance of communicable diseases.

Unified Medical Language System® (UMLS®) contains 280 citations, with abstracts when available, covering the period from January 1986 through December 1996. The bibliograpy marks the tenth anniversary of the NLM UMLS project, a long-term research and development effort with the ambitious goal of enabling computer systems to "understand" medical meaning.

Health Literacy defined as " the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions" contains 479 citations dating from January 1990 through October 1999.  This bibliography was compiled to help define and describe the evidence base for advancing health literacy programs by examining theories, strategies, and tactics.

Other guides, fact sheets, bibliographies, and NLM funded publications and products targeted to health services researchers are available from the NICHSR web site under Outreach and Training and Research and Development and the NLM's publications server.

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Last updated: 13 February 2004
First published: 26 October 2001
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