
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health s (NIOSH) Health Hazard Evaluation and Technical Assistance (HETA) program responds to approximately 400 requests per year from employers, employees, employee representatives, other Federal agencies, and State and local agencies to examine suspected hazards in the workplace.

The typical HETA response to a request for assistance results in an evaluation of whether chemical, physical, biological, or other agents are hazardous as used or found in the workplace followed by the development of recommendations for control procedures, improved work practices, and medical programs to reduce exposure levels and prevent adverse health effects. The results of individual evaluations may trigger wider studies of similar exposures in other settings, or may stimulate recommendations for implementation or modification of health standards. Requests received by the HETA program tend to reflect emerging occupational problems. More than 8,000 evaluations have been completed since the inception of the HETA program in 1972 on hazards such as chemical exposures, indoor air quality, ergonomics and noise-induced hearing loss.

Noise-induced hearing loss is one of the most prevalent occupational health hazards facing American workers today. Approximately 30 million people are exposed to hazardous levels of noise at their work sites and an additional 9 million are at risk from other substances such as solvents and metals. While noise-induced hearing loss is irreversible, it is preventable and its risk can be reduced with the application of noise controls and occupational hearing loss prevention programs.

When evaluating noise during an Health Hazard Evaluation (HHE), staff may monitor noise exposures, survey worker medical information, conduct worker audiometric evaluations, assess worker use of hearing loss protection devices, and evaluate hearing loss prevention policies and standards. NIOSH researchers present written reports detailing the results of their evaluations to help companies assess workers exposure to noise, evaluate and plan noise controls, and develop employee education programs on hearing loss prevention.

This document presents summaries of the HHEs related to noise conducted from 1986-1997. The summaries are organized by industry. In several cases noise exposure was just one of many exposures that NIOSH researchers investigated at the work site.

The full reports listed in this document are available from the Hazard Evaluation and Technical Assistance Branch.

The Hazard Evaluation and Technical Assistance Branch (HETAB)
Alice Hamilton Laboratory
4676 Columbia Parkway
Cincinnati, OH 45226
or call:
More information about the Health Hazard Evaluation Program is available on the web at http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/hhe.html.

The PDF version is also available. (12 pages, 75K).

Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing (SIC 0100-0999)

Assessing Exposure to Noise during Aerial Pesticide Application
HETA 95-0248-2562
March 1996


Keywords: Abstract:
Construction (SIC 1500-1799)

Assessing Workers' Exposure to Noise in Bridge Repainting
HETA 91-006-2193
March 1992


Keywords: Abstract:
Manufacturing (SIC 2000-3999)

Evaluation of Planned Noise Abatement Procedures in Two Sawmill Facilities
HETA 88-030-2109
April 1991

Purpose: Keywords: Abstract: Evaluating Noise Controls at a Paper Mill Facility
HETA 86-437-1818
July 1987

Purpose: Keywords: Abstract: Noise Exposures at a Specialty Chemical Plant
HETA 86-071-1817
July 1987

Purpose: Keywords: Abstract: Evaluating Noise at a Pipe Fabricating Plant
HETA 88-214-1952
March 1989

Purpose: Keywords: Abstract: Evaluation of Noise Exposures at a Glass Products Manufacturing Facility
HETA 89-137-2005
January 1990

Purpose: Keywords: Abstract: Noise Exposures and Hearing Loss in Workers Involved in the Manufacture of Roofing Granules
HETA 91-0091-2418
May 1994

Purpose: Keywords: Abstract: Field Survey at an Oxygen Process Shop to Evaluate Potential Hazards from Air Contaminants, Noise, Heat Stress, and Ergonomic Problems
HETA 92-0230-2471
November 1994

Purpose: Keywords: Abstract: Evaluating Noise Exposures Occurring in the Manufacture of Road Signs
HETA 86-191-1836
February 1987

Purpose: Keywords: Abstract: Evaluating Noise Levels at an Outboard Motor Manufacturing Facility
HETA 93-0498-2409
March 1994

Purpose: Keywords: Abstract: Evaluating Worker Exposure to Noise at a Manufacturer of Industrial Centrifugal Equipment
HETA 95-0167-2539
November 1995

Purpose: Keywords: Abstract: Evaluating Employees' Noise Exposures in Conjunction with the Use of Personal Radio Headsets on the Job Site
HETA 90-281-2319
May 1993

Purpose: Keywords: Abstract: Evaluation of Potential Exposures to Noise at an Energy and Automation Plant
HETA 91-305-2267
November 1992

Purpose: Keywords: Abstract: Evaluating Noise Exposure in an Electronics Manufacturing Plant
HETA 91-021-2144
October 1991

Purpose: Keywords: Abstract: Evaluating Worker Exposure to Noise at a Plastic Accessories Manufacturing Plant
HETA 87-159-1962
April 1989

Purpose: Keywords: Abstract:
Transportation and Public Utilities (SIC 4000-4971)

Determining Noise Exposure of Postal Employees
HETA 92-056-2223
May 1992

Purpose: Keywords: Abstract: Evaluating Landfill Employee Exposure to Noise
HETA 93-0696-2395
March 1994

Purpose: Keywords: Abstract: Evaluation of Noise Levels at a Hydroelectric Power Plant
HETA 92-0243-2377
January 1994

Purpose: Keywords: Abstract:
Wholesale trade (SIC 5000-5199)

Potentially Hazardous Noise in a Cosmetics and Drug Distribution Warehouse
HETA 91-194-2153
October 1991

Purpose: Keywords: Abstract:
Services (SIC 7000-8999)

Evaluating Noise Exposure in a Biomedical Laboratory
HETA 91-287-2228
June 1992

Purpose: Keywords: Abstract:
Public Administration (SIC 9000-9721)

Evaluating Risk of Noise Induced Hearing Loss for Fire Fighters in a Metropolitan Area
HETA 88-0290-2460
September 1994

Purpose: Keywords: Abstract: Evaluating Risk of Noise Induced Hearing Loss for Fire Fighters
HETA 89-0026-2495
March 1995

Purpose: Keywords: Abstract: Evaluating Police Officers' Exposures to Noise Generated by Gun Firing Exercises
HETA 92-0034-2356
October 1993

Purpose: Keywords: Abstract: Evaluate of Noise and Hearing Loss in Fire Fighters HETA 86-138-2017
February 1990

Purpose: Keywords: Abstract: Evaluation of Noise Exposure for Two Offices
HETA 91-0308-2376
January 1994

Purpose: Keywords: Abstract: Evaluation of an Air Traffic Approach Control Tower
HETA 96-0184-2663
November 1997

Purpose: Keywords: Abstract:
This page was last updated on February 25, 1999