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n Title 5 USC Ch 41;
n 5 CFR Pt 410
Your servicing personnel office will help you find out what training is available and the best sources for training. Before you ask about available training, however, you should have a clear idea of what you want to accomplish. Time and effort can be saved through good planning. You should decide if the training requirement can be met through means other than formal classroom training (e.g. on-the-job training, mentoring, computer-based training, self-development courses). Also, ask if there are programs offered by other Bureaus or Federal agencies that can be used at little or no cost.

RELATED TOPICS: Department of the Interior University; Training Needs Assessment; Approval and Funding of Training; Self Development Training; On-the-Job Training; Interagency Training; Distance Learning Courses; New Employee Orientation Program; Supervisory and Managerial Training; Departmental Manager and Executive Programs; Formal Government-wide Training Programs

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Revised: 11/09/98
DOI University
National Business Center
U.S. Department of the Interior