Performance Based Actions
n Demotion
n Removal
If the employee's performance continues to be unacceptable in one or more critical results after the opportunity to improve has expired, and there is no evidence that a medical condition, or substance abuse problem exists which is impacting on job performance, then the supervisor may be forced to take appropriate action. Performance based actions are not adverse actions since it is used to deal with a situation which is considered to be beyond the employee's control.  Before taking a performance based action, Supervisors should consult with their Servicing Personnel Office (SPO).

Performance based actions available are:

  • Reassignment - employee may be reassigned to another position in the organization where the employee may be expected to perform the duties satisfactorily. A reassignment has no impact on employee's grade or salary. If none are available, the Servicing Personnel Office (SPO) searches bureau-wide for other possibilities for noncompetitive inservice placement. Selection by another supervisor is not mandatory, however, reasons for nonselection must be supportable before a third party.

  • Demotion - the supervisor may change the duties of the current position and demote the employee to a level where an acceptable level of performance can be reached. This action impacts employees grade and salary. If it is not feasible to demote the employee in the current position, the SPO searches for other positions available in the bureau. Referral policy is the same as in reassignment.

  • Removal - If no positions are available, a proposal to remove would follow. Removal is an involuntary separation of an employee from employment. It terminates the employee's status as an employee. A higher level management official in the organizations chain-of-command must concur with the superivisors decision to remove an employee before it can be effected.

RELATED TOPICS: Dealing with Poor Performers.

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Revised: 11/18/98
DOI University
National Business Center
U.S. Department of the Interior