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The Veterans Readjustment Authority (VRA) Program reflects the nation's continuing interest in enhancing employment opportunities for Vietnam-era and post-Vietnam-era veterans. The VRA
program is intended to meet the unique needs of veterans in the labor market and to enable Federal agencies to hire needed talent quickly. The VRA program helps military personnel who served during the Vietnam conflict, including those now affected by military cutbacks, by providing an opportunity for noncompetitive consideration for civilian jobs.

The organization can use the VRA to fill jobs up through GS-11 and equivalent jobs under other pay systems. Applications under VRA are processed at the Personnel Office for posted vacancies. When hiring under the VRA, you must give preferential consideration to applicants with veterans preference over applicants without preference.

VRA appointees are hired for a two-year period in the excepted service. During the two-year period, VRAs continue to be eligible for noncompetitive consideration under the installation's Merit Promotion Program; if selected they are given another noncompetitive VRA appointment.

The VRA employee serves a one-year trial period where performance and conduct are closely monitored. Upon successful completion of the two-year excepted service period, and upon the supervisor's recommendation, the employee is converted to the competitive service. An additional year of service is then required before the employee makes career tenure.

A formal VRA training plan is required for employees with less than 15 years of formal education.

n 5 CFR Chapter 307
RELATED TOPICS: 30% or More Compensable Veteran, Excepted Service, Veterans Preference, Formal Training Agreements and Plans (VRA)

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Revised: 11/10/98
DOI University
National Business Center
U.S. Department of the Interior