Personnel Manager (Merit Promotion Program)

n Merit Promotion Plan
n Noncompetitive Actions
The Merit Promotion Program deals with the placement, promotion, transfer, reassignment and other movement of competitive service employees.

The underlying principle of Merit Promotion Programs is the identification, qualification evaluation, and selection of candidates which will be made without regard to political, religious, labor organization affiliation, marital status, race, color, sex, national origin, non-disqualifying physical or mental handicap, or age and shall be based solely on job- related criteria in accordance with legitimate position requirements.

The Merit Promotion Program is directed toward:

  • Contributing to the accomplishment of mission goals by staffing positions with high-quality employees

  • Providing career opportunities for employees and ensuring that promotion opportunity information is made available to all employees

  • Bringing to the attention of management high-quality employees who have the capacity to perform in more responsible assignments

  • Fostering and facilitating the mobility of employees in the interest of broadening their experiences and increasing their qualifications

  • Ensuring the maximum utilization of employees in positions for which they are best qualified

  • Ensuring that the skills, qualifications, achievements, and promotion potential of employees are recognized and fairly considered in the staffing process

  • Encouraging employees to improve their performance to develop their knowledge, skills, and abilities

A sound merit promotion program properly administered and fully supported by management officials and employees at all levels is essential to the staffing of an effective and highly motivated work force.

n 5 CFR 335
n 370 DM 335
n MPP Handbook
RELATED TOPICS: Qualification and Candidate Evaluation, Candidate Referral and Selection, Equal Employment Opportunity Program.

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Revised: 11/10/98
DOI University
National Business Center
U.S. Department of the Interior