External Environment Data Collection Plan Worksheet


  1. Purpose:
    1. To plan the collection of environmental data about the HS Agency’s external entities and their interfaces, responsibilities, and dependencies.
  2. A sample of external entities and interfaces that must be examined include:
    1. Day Care Centers
    2. Educational Institutions, such as community colleges
    3. State Employment Offices
    4. Employment and Training Organizations
    5. Employers
    6. Judicial System, such as state and county courts
    7. New Hire Registry
    8. State Child Support Enforcement Agency
    9. State Medicaid Agency
    10. Other States
    11. Department of Agriculture
    12. Employment Security System
    13. JOBS Automated system
    14. PARIS
  3. Instructions:
    1. Column 1 lists the external entities.
    2. Column 2 lists the individual that is responsible for the collection of the entity information.
    3. Column 3 lists the individual(s) that will support the collection of the data.
    4. Column 4 lists sources of data (e.g., documents and points of contact).
    5. Column 5 provides schedule information, such as when the information is expected to be collected
    6. Column 6 gives the current status.
  4. All of the external stakeholder entities must be listed in the table.
  5. Example (TANF):


External Entity

Strategy Team Member

Support Personnel

Potential Sources of Information

Date Collection Completed

Current Status

State Employment Office

John Smith (a member of the Core Strategy Team)

Jane Doe (from the Extended Strategy Team), a TANF Program person that works with the State employment office

John Jones (a person that we know in the employment office):

www.state_employment office.gov


Talked to two contacts, still need to investigate Web site

Day Care Providers

Jane Smith (a member of the Core Strategy Team)

John Doe (from the Extended Strategy Team), a TANF program person that works with the child care providers

John Brown (a manager of a specific child care center on the State registry of child Care providers)


Developed questionnaire; sent questionnaire to all in State registry; 25 of 50 responses received




External Environment Data Collection Plan Worksheet


External Entity

Strategy Team Member

Support Personnel

Potential Sources of Information

Date Collection Completed

Current Status