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Conformity Assessment Bodies Validated for the Operational Phase

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The following conformity assessment bodies (CABs) have been formally accepted under operational phase of the Mutual Recognition Agreement between the United States and the European Community (US - EU MRA).

In accordance with formal notification from the European Union, the designation of these organizations by NIST as U.S. Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs) for the relevant annex(es) have been validated. These organizations may now conduct tests and approve products where relevant during the operational phase as described in the U.S.- EU Mutual Recognition Agreement.

NIST will continue to work with validated CABs throughout the operational phase. All validated CABs must sign and return a CAB Declaration form, which states that each CAB is responsible for notifying NIST of any relevant changes such as accreditation status, liability insurance, and key staff involved with projects under the MRA. All CABs must fully understand the terms under which they are obligated to operate as a condition of designation as a CAB. As a designating authority, NIST is responsible for monitoring CAB performance to ensure continued competence under the terms of the MRA.

Contact:  jdhillon@nist.gov

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For technical questions concerning the Global Standards and Information Group, contact us:

Global Standards and Information Group, Standards Services Division, NIST, 100 Bureau Drive, MS 2100, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-2100
Phone: (301) 975-6094, Fax: (301) 975-4715, Email: gsig@nist.gov

Date created: December 08, 2000
Last updated: January 21, 2003

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