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NIST Criteria for Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) Qualifications
Recreational Craft Sectoral Annex of the U.S./EU MRA

Role of U.S. CABs

NIST designated Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs) operating under the European Union (EU) Recreational Craft Directive (94/25/EC) will be considered equivalent to a European Notified Body (NB).

Scopes for CAB Designation

Annex I of the Recreational Craft Directive defines the boat categories A through D. A CAB seeking designation for boat design must specify its scope for the boat design category defined in this Annex. The corresponding routes to conformity are described in Article 8 of the Directive.

Annex II of the Directive lists the boat components covered by this directive. A CAB seeking designation for specific boat components in this list must so specify in its scope. The corresponding routes to conformity are described in Article 8 of the Directive. A CAB could apply for designation for boat design category (Annex I) and/or boat components (Annex II).

The scope of the CAB must specify those relevant Annexes IV through XII of the Directive, which require notified body intervention. The CAB must have qualified staff with appropriate experience to perform these functions.

Minimum CAB Qualifications

The CAB must be located in the United States.

A CAB must be accredited to ISO/IEC Guide 65 by an accreditor that operates in conformance with ISO/IEC Guide 61. The accreditation certificate must indicate the specific scopes for which the CAB has applied for designation.

The CAB must adhere to the notified body criteria in Annex XIV of the Directive.

The CAB must document its experience in carrying out the conformity assessment procedures for the scopes applied for under this Directive.

The CAB staff must have attended/received Recreational Craft Directive training. Describe clearly the location, means, dates, and syllabus of the training received.

The laboratory, where the testing is accomplished, must be accredited to ISO/IEC Guide 25 or its later version ISO/IEC Standard 17025, accredited by an accreditor who operates in compliance with ISO/IEC Guide 58.

Other Requirements

Each organization nominated to become a CAB is required to sign a statement declaring their commitment to the requirements and responsibilities of being a CAB. By signing this declaration the organization agrees to the terms of its nomination and its final designation.

All supporting information will be subject to expert technical review. Additional documentation or supporting evidence may be necessary during the review process. In some cases a site visit may be necessary.

If appropriate information has been previously reviewed by NIST with regard to other CAB interests, it will not be necessary to submit duplicate material for review. Only information sufficient to allow NIST to make a determination of competence for the additional CAB requirements is necessary

Each CAB must keep NIST informed of all changes which may affect its status, e.g., change in key personnel, change in accreditation status, change in location, legal status, or other factors which may affect the organization's ability to perform the functions of a CAB under the referenced agreement.

Provide the following checklist to ensure completeness of the application package, and the CAB declaration:

Contact:  jdhillon@nist.gov

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Phone: (301) 975-6094, Fax: (301) 975-4715, Email: gsig@nist.gov

Date created: August 27, 2001
Last updated: January 21, 2003

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