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Link to CREM Homepage Regional Seminars
Partnering ORD researchers with Regional modelers to discuss the use of environmental models in the Regions to inform decision making.
Overview Back to Top
The objectives for this seminar series are to:
  • Link the modeling community across EPA; and
  • Facilitate discussions in the regions on topics covered in the forthcoming EPA guidance on the development, evaluation, and use of environmental models.

This is a follow up action item to the recent 45-day study on “Science in Regional Decision Making” and the February 7, 2003 memo  (PDF 82 KB, pages, info about PDF) from the former EPA Administrator Christie Whitman calling for a series of Regional workshops. Please see attached memo  (PDF 1 MB, 2 pages, info about PDF) from Paul Gilman, Science Advisor to the Agency and Ron Kreizenbeck, Deputy Regional Administrator for more information.

If you are interested in participating in this seminar series, please call or e-mail Elsie Sunderland (202.564.6754;

Upcoming Seminars Back to Top
sphere Region 5 - Landscape Analysis for Decision Making
1-3 pm EST, September 16, 2004
Please contact your RSL for room numbers
Call in Access: (866) 299-3188
Code: 202 564 1571

Presentations can be downloaded on this site prior to the seminar.
Participants both internal and external to EPA are welcome.

Past Seminars Back to Top
sphere Region 3 - Lessons Learned from Chesapeake Bay Eutrophication and Ecosystem Modeling
sphere Region 2 - Empirical Load-Response Models Related to Eutrophication
sphere Region 4 - TMDL Application and Support for Clean Sediments/Nutrients, January 2004
sphere Region 10 - TMDL Temperature Modeling, November 2003


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Last Updated on Tuesday, August 31, 2004