1 DAILY TREASURY STATEMENT PAGE: 1 Cash and debt operations of the United States Treasury Thursday October 07, 2004 (Detail, rounded in millions, may not add to totals) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE I Operating Cash Balance ³ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ³ ³ ³ Opening balance ³ ³ _________________________________________________________________ ³ Closing ³ ³ ³ This ³ ³ Type of account ³ balance ³ ³ This ³ fiscal ³ ³ ³ today ³ Today ³ month ³ year ³ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Federal Reserve Account $ 3,640 $ 5,576 $ 5,987 $ 5,987 Tax and Loan Note Accounts (Table V) 10,551 14,956 30,362 30,362 Total Operating Balance 14,191 20,532 36,349 36,349 1 DAILY TREASURY STATEMENT PAGE: 2 Cash and debt operations of the United States Treasury Thursday October 07, 2004 (Detail, rounded in millions, may not add to totals) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE II Deposits and Withdrawals of Operating Cash ³ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ³ ³ ³ This ³ Fiscal ³ ³ Deposits ³ Today ³ month ³ year ³ ³ ³ ³ to date ³ to date ³ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Federal Reserve Account: Agriculture Loan Repayments (misc) 18 180 180 Commodity Credit Corporation programs 24 195 195 Customs and Certain Excise Taxes 110 601 601 Deposits by States: Supplemental Security Income 0 1 1 Unemployment 16 104 104 Education Department programs 104 297 297 Energy Department programs 1 127 127 Estate and Gift Taxes 86 573 573 Federal Reserve Earnings 0 361 361 Foreign Deposits, Military Sales 24 502 502 FTD's Received (Table IV) 591 11,012 11,012 Housing and Urban Development programs 49 159 159 Individual Income and Employment Taxes, Not Withheld 280 1,571 1,571 Interest recd from T&L Depositaries 5 7 7 Justice Department programs 6 55 55 Postal Service 408 2,289 2,289 Public Debt Cash Issues (Table III-B) 66,137 82,454 82,454 Other Deposits: Total Other Deposits 0 123 123 Change in Balance of Uncollected Funds (closing balance $ 57) 67 -18 -18 Transfers from Depositaries 5,544 53,099 53,099 Total Federal Reserve Account 73,469 153,691 153,691 Tax and Loan Note Accounts: FTD's Received (Table IV) 1,093 25,869 25,869 Transfers from Federal Reserve Account (Table V) 46 7,420 7,420 Total Tax and Loan Note Accounts (Table V) 1,139 33,288 33,288 Total Deposits (excluding transfers) 69,018 126,460 126,460 1 DAILY TREASURY STATEMENT PAGE: 3 Cash and debt operations of the United States Treasury Thursday October 07, 2004 (Detail, rounded in millions, may not add to totals) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ³ ³ ³ This ³ Fiscal ³ ³ Withdrawals ³ Today ³ month ³ year ³ ³ ³ ³ to date ³ to date ³ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Federal Reserve Account: Commodity Credit Corporation programs 526 1,319 1,319 Defense Vendor Payments (EFT) 652 3,150 3,150 Education Department programs 288 1,303 1,303 Energy Department programs 144 613 613 Federal Employees Insurance Payments 136 825 825 Fed. Highway Administration programs 272 679 679 Federal Salaries (EFT) 132 930 930 Food and Nutrition Service (misc) 76 399 399 Food Stamps 95 512 512 GSA programs 114 527 527 Health and Human Services Grants (misc) 264 1,211 1,211 Housing and Urban Development programs 163 2,514 2,514 Interest on Treasury Securities 2 457 457 Justice Department programs 35 244 244 Labor Dept. prgms (excl. unemployment) 46 290 290 Medicaid 1,030 4,217 4,217 Medicare 916 8,455 8,455 NASA programs 44 66 66 Postal Service Money Orders and Other 174 1,136 1,136 Public Debt Cash Redemp. (Table III-B) 68,783 73,477 73,477 Social Security Benefits (EFT) 0 21,405 21,405 Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (HHS) 36 325 325 Unemployment Insurance Benefits 80 523 523 Veterans Affairs programs 57 383 383 Other Withdrawals: IRS Tax Refunds Business (EFT) 201 769 769 Thrift Savings Plan Transfer 60 262 262 U.S. District Courts (net) 119 -1 -1 Unclassified 915 8,155 8,155 Total, Other Withdrawals 1,295 23,658 23,658 Transfers to Depositaries 46 7,420 7,420 Total Federal Reserve Account 75,405 156,038 156,038 Tax and Loan Note Accounts: Transfers to Federal Reserve Account (Table V) 5,544 53,099 53,099 Total Withdrawals (excluding transfers) 75,359 148,619 148,619 Net Change in Operating Cash Balance -6,341 -22,159 -22,159 1 DAILY TREASURY STATEMENT PAGE: 4 Cash and debt operations of the United States Treasury Thursday October 07, 2004 (Detail, rounded in millions, may not add to totals) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE III-A Public Debt Transactions ³ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ³ ³ ³ This ³ Fiscal ³ ³ Issues ³ Today ³ month ³ year ³ ³ ³ ³ to date ³ to date ³ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Marketable: Bills: Regular Series 66,202 66,198 66,198 Cash Management Series 0 14,000 14,000 Notes 0 0 0 Bonds 0 0 0 Inflation-Protected Securities Increment 3 11 11 Federal Financing Bank 0 0 0 Nonmarketable: United States Savings Securities: Cash Issue Price 24 147 147 Interest Increment 0 630 630 Government Account Series 142,219 726,559 726,559 Domestic Series 0 0 0 Foreign Series 0 0 0 State and Local Series 275 2,470 2,470 Other 0 12 12 Total Issues 208,723 810,026 810,026 (Stated at face value except for savings and retirement plan securities which are stated at current redemption value.) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ³ ³ ³ This ³ Fiscal ³ ³ Redemptions ³ Today ³ month ³ year ³ ³ ³ ³ to date ³ to date ³ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Marketable: Bills 68,699 68,699 68,699 Notes 0 0 0 Bonds 0 1 1 Federal Financing Bank 0 0 0 Nonmarketable: United States Savings Securities 51 293 293 Government Account Series 141,891 697,450 697,450 Domestic Series 0 0 0 Foreign Series 0 0 0 State and Local Series 33 4,485 4,485 Other 0 0 0 Total Redemptions 210,674 770,927 770,927 Net Change in Public Debt Outstanding -1,951 39,098 39,098 1 DAILY TREASURY STATEMENT PAGE: 5 Cash and debt operations of the United States Treasury Thursday October 07, 2004 (Detail, rounded in millions, may not add to totals) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE III-B Adjustment of Public Debt Transactions to Cash Basis ³ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ³ ³ ³ This ³ Fiscal ³ ³ Transactions ³ Today ³ month ³ year ³ ³ ³ ³ to date ³ to date ³ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Public Debt Cash Issues: Public Debt Issues (Table III-A) 208,723 810,026 810,026 Premium on New Issues 0 0 0 Discount on New Issues: Bills (-) 364 373 373 Bonds and Notes (-) 0 0 0 Federal Financing Bank (-) 0 0 0 Government Account Transactions (-) 142,219 726,559 726,559 Interest Increment on United States Savings Securities (-) 0 630 630 Inflation-Protected Securities Increment 3 11 11 Total Public Debt Cash Issues Deposited in Federal Reserve Account 66,137 82,454 82,454 Public Debt Cash Redemptions: Public Debt Redemptions (Table III-A) 210,674 770,927 770,927 Premium on Debt Buyback Operation 0 0 0 Discount on Debt Buyback Operation (-) 0 0 0 Federal Financing Bank (-) 0 0 0 Government Account Transactions (-) 141,891 697,450 697,450 Total Public Debt Cash Redemptions Withdrawn from Federal Reserve Acct. 68,783 73,477 73,477 1 DAILY TREASURY STATEMENT PAGE: 6 Cash and debt operations of the United States Treasury Thursday October 07, 2004 (Detail, rounded in millions, may not add to totals) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE III-C Debt Subject to Limit ³ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ³ ³ ³ Opening balance ³ ³ _________________________________________________________________ ³ Closing ³ ³ ³ Fiscal ³ ³ Balance Transac ³ balance ³ ³ This ³ year ³ ³ ³ today ³ Today ³ month ³ ³ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Debt Held by the Public $ 4,317,585 $ 4,319,834 $ 4,307,345 $ 4,307,345 Intragovernmental Holdings 3,100,566 3,100,268 3,071,708 3,071,708 Total Public Debt Outstanding 7,418,151 7,420,102 7,379,053 7,379,053 Less: Debt Not Subject to Limit: Other Debt 513 513 513 513 Unamortized Discount 45,439 45,119 45,374 45,374 Federal Financing Bank 0 0 0 0 Plus: Other Debt Subject to Limit Guaranteed Debt of Government Agencies 184 184 184 184 Total Public Debt Subject to Limit 7,372,383 7,374,654 7,333,350 7,333,350 Statutory Debt Limit 7,384,000 7,384,000 7,384,000 7,384,000 Act of May 27, 2003, permanently increased the statutory debt limit to $7,384 billion. Unamortized Discount represents the discount adjustment on Treasury bills and zero-coupon bonds (amortization is calculated daily). 1 DAILY TREASURY STATEMENT PAGE: 7 Cash and debt operations of the United States Treasury Thursday October 07, 2004 (Detail, rounded in millions, may not add to totals) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE IV Federal Tax Deposits ³ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ³ ³ ³ This ³ Fiscal ³ ³ Classification ³ Today ³ month ³ year ³ ³ ³ ³ to date ³ to date ³ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Withheld Income and Employment Taxes $ 1,526 $ 32,519 $ 32,519 Individual Estimated Income Taxes 2 12 12 Railroad Retirement Taxes 4 96 96 Excise Taxes 27 146 146 Corporation Income Taxes 26 4,700 4,700 Federal Unemployment Taxes 3 18 18 Estate and Gift Taxes & Misc IRS Rcpts. 0 11 11 Change in Balance of Unclassified Taxes 102 386 386 Total 1,692 37,889 37,889 These Receipts were deposited in: Federal Reserve Account: Directly 47 327 327 Collector Depositaries 544 10,685 10,685 Tax and Loan Accounts 1,093 25,869 25,869 Inter-agency Transfers 7 1,008 1,008 TABLE V Tax and Loan Note Accounts by Depositary Category ³ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ³ ³ ³ Type of Depositary ³ ³ _________________________________________________________________ ³ Balance Transac ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ A ³ B ³ C ³ Total ³ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Opening Balance Today $ 184 $ 396 $ 10,377 $ 14,956 Deposits: Taxes Received (Table IV) 4 30 1,059 1,093 Transfers to Depositaries 0 0 46 46 Special Direct Investment 0 0 0 0 Term Investment 0 0 0 0 Withdrawals: Treasury Initiated 0 0 1,302 1,302 Depositary Initiated 1 15 226 242 Special Direct Investment 0 0 0 0 Term Investment 0 0 0 4,000 Closing Balance Today 186 411 9,954 10,551 1 DAILY TREASURY STATEMENT PAGE: 8 Cash and debt operations of the United States Treasury Thursday October 07, 2004 (Detail, rounded in millions, may not add to totals) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE VI Income Tax Refunds Issued ³ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ³ ³ ³ This ³ Fiscal ³ ³ Classification ³ Today ³ month ³ year ³ ³ ³ ³ to date ³ to date ³ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Individual $ 7 $ 97 $ 97 Business 288 1,508 1,508 This statement summarizes the United States Treasury's cash and debt operations for the Federal Government. Treasury's operating cash is maintained in an account at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and in Tax and Loan accounts at commercial banks. Major information sources include: Federal Reserve Banks, Treasury Regional Financial Centers, Internal Revenue Service Centers, Bureau of the Public Debt and various electronic systems. Information is presented on a modified cash basis. Deposits are reflected as received and withdrawals are reflected as processed. SOURCE: Financial Management Service, Department of the Treasury Note: The Daily Treasury Statement (DTS) is available by 4:00 p.m. the following business day on the Financial Management Service (FMS) website www.fms.treas.gov/dts. For more information, call the Cash Forecasting Division at 202-874-9790. The DTS is also available on the Department of Commerce's "State of the Nation" website: http://www.stat-usa.gov/sotn. For more information regarding this system, please call 202-482-1986.