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Changes in Your Body and Mind

The following publications and organizations provide additional information on Changes in Your Body and Mind


  1. Backache (Copyright © Smart Moms, Healthy Babies) - This publication contains information on backaches and how you can prevent or relieve back pain during pregnancy.

  2. Constipation (Copyright © Smart Moms, Healthy Babies) - This publication contains information on why pregnant women have problems with constipation and ways to help relieve it.

  3. Emotions During Pregnancy (Copyright © UIHC) - This publication describes the different emotions a woman may experience during the first, second, and third trimesters of pregnancy.

  4. Fatigue (Copyright © Smart Moms, Healthy Babies) - This publication contains information on fatigue during pregnancy and ways to help you feel less tired.

  5. First Trimester Prenatal Care(Copyright © Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research) - This fact sheet provides information throughout all your pregnancy including routine exams during your visits to your doctor and to learn what to expect during these doctors' visits. In addition, if you have a condition that makes your pregnancy high-risk, special tests may be performed on a regular basis to check the baby's health.

  6. Frequent Urination (Copyright © Smart Moms, Healthy Babies) - This publication explains why pregnant women need to urinate more frequently than women who are not pregnant.

  7. Groin/Lower Abdominal Pain (Copyright © Smart Moms, Healthy Babies) - This publication contains information on how your growing uterus can stretch your muscles and cause pain.

  8. Headaches (Copyright © Smart Moms, Healthy Babies) - This publication provides information on headaches during pregnancy and ways to safely relieve them.

  9. Hemorrhoids (Copyright © Smart Moms, Healthy Babies) - This publication contains information on why pregnant women get hemorrhoids and ways to prevent or relieve them.

  10. Indigestion (Copyright © Smart Moms, Healthy Babies) - This publication provides information on how the changes in hormone levels can cause indigestion in pregnant women, and ways to prevent or relieve the pain.

  11. Insomnia (Copyright © Smart Moms, Healthy Babies) - This publication explains why pregnant women have a difficult time sleeping, and provides some tips on how you can get enough rest.

  12. Leg Cramps (Copyright © Smart Moms, Healthy Babies) - This publications provides information on leg cramps and how to avoid getting them during your last trimest of pregnancy.

  13. Morning Sickness (Copyright © AAFP) - This publication discusses morning sickness, how long it will last, and how to help relieve morning sickness.

  14. Nosebleeds (Copyright © Smart Moms, Healthy Babies) - This publication contains information on why pregnant women experience nosebleeds during pregnancy.

  15. Numbness and Tingling (Copyright © Smart Moms, Healthy Babies) - This fact sheet explains the numbness and tingling you may experience during pregnancy as the pressure of the weight you have gained presses on your nerves. Tips for reducing your discomfort are provided.

  16. Oral Health (Copyright © Smart Moms, Healthy Babies) - This fact sheet contains information on how to maintain good oral health during pregnancy. It gives advice for visits to the dentist and explains how bodily changes during pregnancy can affect oral health.

  17. Pregnancy and Your Emotions - This fact sheet explains the normal emotions and concerns that occur during pregnancy and how to confront them-work, sex, sleep, and anxiety.

  18. Federal resource  Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Bladder Control - This publication looks at the effects that pregnancy and childbearing can have on bladder control and ways to counter the effects.

  19. Federal resource  Pregnancy, Lactation and Bone Health - This publication contains information on pregnancy-associated osteoporosis, lactation and bone loss, and parity and the risk of osteoporosis.

  20. Skin and Hair Changes (Copyright © Smart Moms, Healthy Babies) - This publication provides information on how the changes in hormone levels can affect your hair and skin while you are pregnant.

  21. Stress and Pregnancy (Copyright © MOD) - This fact sheet contains information on how your stress can affect a pregnancy and how mothers can prevent and cope with stress during their pregnancy.

  22. Swelling and Varicose Veins During Pregnancy (Copyright © Smart Moms, Healthy Babies) - During your second and third trimesters, you may experience swelling in your legs and ankles, or varicose veins. These symptoms are normal during pregnancy, and this fact sheet provides tips to relieve your discomfort.

  23. The Third Trimester: Amazement and Anticipation(Copyright © Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research) - This fact sheet explains how at term or the third trimester, the uterus will weigh about 2 1/2 pounds (a little over one kilogram) and will have stretched to hold your baby, the placenta and about a quart (about a liter) of amniotic fluid. Nearly all of the physical symptoms of late pregnancy arise from this increase in the size of the uterus.

  24. Weight Gain During Pregnancy (Copyright © MOD) - This brief fact sheet explains how much weight a woman should gain during pregnancy by explaining how different aspects of pregnancy add to overall weight.

  25. Your Body Changes (Copyright © YNHH) - This fact sheet informs expecting mothers of the physical changes they may experience during pregnancy, and tips for coping with them: morning sickness, ligament pain, tender breasts, dizziness, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, leg cramps, swelling, backaches, constipation, heartburn, headache, and vaginal discharge.


  1. American Academy of Family Physicians

  2. American Diabetes Association

  3. International Food Information Council

  4. March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation

  5. Federal resource  National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse, NIDDK, NIH, HHS

  6. Federal resource  National Women's Health Information Center, OWH, HHS

Federal resource = Indicates Federal Resources


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