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Preeclampsia and Pregnancy Complications

The following publications and organizations provide additional information on Preeclampsia and Pregnancy Complications


  1. Breech Babies: What Can I Do if My Baby is Breech? (Copyright © AAFP) - This publication provides information on breech pregnancy, what it is, how a baby can be safely delivered, and what an external cephalic version is.

  2. Ectopic and Molar Pregnancy (Copyright © MOD) - This fact sheet explains what ectopic and molar pregnancies are, their symptoms, how they are each diagnosed and treated, and the risk factors in future pregnancies.

  3. Epilepsy and Pregnancy: What You Should Know (Copyright © AAFP) - This fact sheet is for women with epilepsy who become pregnant, including the risks, the risks for the baby, how to protect you and your baby, what to expect when you are pregnant.

  4. Federal resource  Frequently Asked Questions - Pregnancy and Medications - This fact sheet provides information on taking medication while pregnant, the effects it might have on the baby. Also included in this publication is information on DES and the complications this might cause during pregnancy.

  5. Gestational Diabetes (Copyright © American Diabetes Association) - This fact sheet explains what gestational diabetes is, how it affects the baby, and what you can do to treat it.

  6. Group B Strep Infection (Copyright © MOD) - This public education fact sheet provides information about the risk of GBS during pregnancy.

  7. Federal resource  Group B Streptococcal Disease - Information on the causes and effects of Group B Strep infections.

  8. Federal resource  High Blood Pressure in Pregnancy - This publication contains information on high blood pressure in pregnancy. It covers the effects of high blood pressure, what preeclampsia is and how it is detected, and ways to prevent problems from occuring during the pregnancy.

  9. Is Mother/Infant HIV Transmission Preventable? (Copyright © University of California) - This fact sheet from the Center for AIDS Prevention Studies includes statistical information on breastfeeding and perinatal HIV transmission.

  10. Leg Cramps (Copyright © Smart Moms, Healthy Babies) - This publications provides information on leg cramps and how to avoid getting them during your last trimest of pregnancy.

  11. Miscarriage (Copyright © MOD) - This fact sheet explains some of the reasons why a miscarriage can occur, the tests that can be done following a miscarriage, how to prevent future miscarriages, and the recovery time you should expect before becoming pregnant again.

  12. Preeclampsia (Copyright © AAFP) - This handout provides information on the symptoms of preeclampsia, possible treatments and the risks to the women and her pregnancy.

  13. Pregnancy: What to Expect When It's Past Your Due Date (Copyright © AAFP) - This fact sheet provides information on overdue pregnancy, how the due date is determined, and why your doctor may decide to induce labor, and if so, how labor is medically induced.

  14. Preterm Labor (Copyright © MOD) - This document contains information on warning signs of preterm labor, what to do and how to take care of yourself.

  15. Federal resource  Researchers Identify Risk Factors for Preeclampsia in Hypertensive Women - Information about the risks of hypertension before and during pregnancy.

  16. Shortness of Breath During Pregnancy (Copyright © Smart Moms, Healthy Babies) - This fact sheet explains the shortness of breath you may experience during your third trimester, as the baby's weight presses on your diaphragm and digestive organs.

  17. Stillbirth, Miscarriage and Infant Death - This brochure discusses the many stages of grief one goes through when a baby dies.

  18. Swelling and Varicose Veins During Pregnancy (Copyright © Smart Moms, Healthy Babies) - During your second and third trimesters, you may experience swelling in your legs and ankles, or varicose veins. These symptoms are normal during pregnancy, and this fact sheet provides tips to relieve your discomfort.

  19. Toxoplasmosis (Copyright © MOD) - This fact sheet discusses the dangers of toxoplasmosis to a pregnant woman, and provides prevention and treatment guidelines for the mother and baby.

  20. Urinary Tract Infections During Pregnancy (Copyright © AAFP) - This publication contains information on Urinary Tract infections (UTI), how it can affect your baby, how it can be treated, and what to do to prevent them from reoccurring.


  1. American Academy of Family Physicians

  2. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) Resource Center

  3. American Diabetes Association

  4. Center for Research on Reproduction and Women's Health, University of Pennsylvania Medical Center

  5. Compassionate Friends, The

  6. Federal resource  Group B Strep Disease Prevention Program, NCID, CDC

  7. March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation

  8. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research

  9. Federal resource  National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Clearinghouse, NICHD, NIH, HHS

  10. Federal resource  National Women's Health Information Center, OWH, HHS

  11. Preeclampsia Foundation

  12. Smart Moms, Healthy Babies

Federal resource = Indicates Federal Resources


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