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Executive Office for United States Attorneys' Staffs

Office of the Director
Attorney General Advisory Committee (AGAC)
Data Analysis Staff
Equal Employment Opportunities (EEO)
Evaluation And Review Staff (EARS)
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
Office of Information Technology
Case Management (CM)
Information Systems Security Staff (ISS)
Office Automation (OA)
Telecommunication and Technological Development (TTD)
Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee/Victim Witness(LECC/VW)
Legal Counsel
Office of Legal Education (OLE)
Legal Programs
Facilities Management and Support Services (FMSS)
Personnel Staff (PRS)
Security Programs Staff (SPS)
Resource Management and Planning (RMP)


Office of the Director

Mary Beth Buchanan
(202) 514-2121
Richard Byrne
Chief of Staff
Deputy Director
Robin C. Ashton
Deputy Director
Counsel to the Director
Louis DeFalaise
Counsel to the Director
(202) 616-2128

The office of Counsel to the Director assists the Director and the U.S. Attorneys in legislative and communication matters, in facilitating cooperation by and between U.S. Attorneys' offices and Departmental components and other agencies. Serves as staff for policy development desired by the Attorney General's Advisory Committee and its subcommittees, as well as other special projects and matters assigned by the Director or the Principal Deputy Directors, EOUSA.

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Attorney General Advisory Committee

Judith Beeman
(202) 514-4633

EOUSA supports the work of the Attorney General's Advisory Committee (AGAC) by providing direct support to the Committee and assistance to Subcommittee Chairs.

The Attorney General has called upon the advice and counsel of the Advisory Committee of U.S. Attorneys for almost 30 years. Through this Committee, the U.S. Attorneys play a significant role in determining policies and programs of the Department and in implementing national goals set by the President and the Attorney General.

Consisting of 17 members appointed by the Attorney General, the Advisory Committee represents different judicial circuits, various-sized offices, and expertise. Appointments are staggered to ensure the annual rotation of at least one-half of the Committee's membership.

The Committee establishes those subcommittees and working groups deemed necessary to carry out Department policy and priorities, such as violent crime, border issues, health care fraud, environmental crime, Native American issues, financial litigation, and juvenile justice.

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Data Analysis Staff

Barbara A. Tone
Assistant Director
(202) 616-6779

The Data Analysis Staff was formed in 1995 to improve information and data analysis and budget formulation on behalf of the United States Attorneys. The work of the Staff focuses primarily on data, trends, and management analysis. The Staff's responsibilities include, but are not limited to, serving in an assistance, advisory, and resource capacity for other components of EOUSA; assisting managers in all aspects of data analysis; ensuring quality control in the use of data; and conducting data analysis for and on behalf of Department officials and the United States Attorneys' offices.

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Equal Employment Opportunity

Juan E. Milanes
Assistant Director
(202) 514-3982

The Equal Employment Opportunity Staff provides centralized leadership, coordination, and evaluation of all equal employment efforts within the Executive Office for United States Attorneys' (EOUSA) and the United States Attorneys offices (USAOs). The EEO Staff is comprised of two components - Affirmative Action and Complaint Processing.

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Evaluation And Review Staff

Christopher Barnes  
Assistant Director
(202) 616-6776

The Evaluation and Review Staff (EARS) coordinates one-week evaluations of the performance of the Offices of the United States Attorneys. These evaluations are conducted by a team of experienced Assistant United States Attorneys, and administrative and financial litigation personnel from other USAOs who participate in EOUSA's Evaluation Program. EARS also coordinates the provision of administrative assistance to USAOs and the Administrative Officer Mentoring Program. EARS is the point of contact for USAOs for matters relating to management controls.

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Freedom of Information Act

Marie O'Rourke
Assistant Director
(202) 616-6757

The mission of EOUSA is to provide the 93 United States Attorneys (94 United States Attorney offices) with: general executive assistance and direction, policy development, administrative management direction and oversight, operational support and coordination with components of the Department of Justice and other federal agencies. These responsibilities include but are not limited to budgetary, administrative, and personnel services, as well as legal education and legal advice.

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Office of Information Technology

Michael W. Bailie
Acting Chief Information Officer
(803) 544-5151

The Chief Information Officer (CIO) serves as the primary advisor to the Director, Executive Office for United States Attorneys (EOUSA) and the Attorney General’s Advisory Committee (AGAC) on nationwide issues related to improving practices in the design, modernization, use, sharing, and performance of information resources of the United States Attorneys’ offices (USAOs). The CIO’s role includes developing recommendations for information technology management policies, procedures, and standards; identifying opportunities to share information resources; and assessing and addressing the needs of the USAO’s IT workforce.

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Case Management

Siobhan Sperin
Assistant Director
(202) 616-6919

The Case Management Staff is responsible for development, maintenance, and enhancement of software applications for United States Attorneys' offices and the Executive Office for United States Attorneys. They also provide analysis, design, and database administration support for several systems including case tracking, debt collection, and victim notification.
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Information Systems Security Staff

Ted Shelkey
Assistant Director
(202) 616-6973

The Information Systems Security Staff ensures that IT systems comply with all applicable laws and regulations; assists USAOs with Information Systems security needs; oversees Certification and Accreditation efforts; protects USAO/EOUSA Information Systems data from unauthorized disclosure; evaluates Information Systems security solutions; performs Information Systems vulnerability assessments; monitors networks for intrusion and misuse; provides emergency response and investigation of Information Systems security breaches; promotes computer security awareness; analyzes Information Systems security threats; and, serves as USAO/EOUSA Information Systems security liaison to the Department of Justice.

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Office Automation

Vance Allen
Assistant Director
(202) 616-6969

The Office Automation Staff provides administrative and technical support to USAOs for office automation activities, including the selection and installation of LAN/WAN systems, on-line legal re, and case-specific litigation support. They represent USAOs in DOJ-wide office automation efforts and manage operations not delegable to USAOs (e.g., cavity degaussing and technical training).

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Telecommunication and Technology Development

Jerry Lambert
Acting Assistant Director
(202) 616-6439

Telecommunications and Technology Development (TTD) provides administrative and technical support to USAOs in all telecommunications activities, including voice data and video. TTD represents USAO interests and priorities in this rapidly growing field, including taking the lead in Department-wide efforts to modernize.

The EOUSA/TTD operates a Video TeleConferencing (VTC) Laboratory within DOJ.

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Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee/Victim Witness

Dan Villegas
Acting Assistant Director
(202) 616-6792

The Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee and Victim-Witness (LECC/VW) Staff is responsible for providing primary support for district LECC/VW activity. The LECC/VW Staff maintains liaison with United States Attorneys and district LECC/VW Coordinators; monitors and assists in evaluating LECC/VW activity; provides technical assistance on speakers and grants offered by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, the Office for Victims of Crime, and the Bureau of Justice Assistance; and works with numerous national criminal justice organizations on LECC and VW matters.

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Legal Counsel

Kenneth A. Blanco
Legal Counsel
(202) 514-4024
Suzanne Bell
Deputy Legal Counsel
(202) 514-4024

The Legal Counsel Office provides advice to the U.S. Attorneys and EOUSA staff on a broad array of legal and policy issues. The office acts as liaison between Department of Justice components and the U.S. Attorneys' offices and responds to inquiries from members of Congress and private citizens relating to the activities of EOUSA and the U.S. Attorneys. In addition, the staff provides advice on ethical and conflict-of-interest questions, and considers authorization requests for outside activities and representation when employees are sued while performing official duties. The staff assists in arbitrating all employee grievances, and advises and provides recommendations on proposed disciplinary and adverse actions and other employment-related case work. The staff also furnishes assistance on administrative and litigation actions involving employee rights, equal employment opportunity and adverse actions.

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Office of Legal Education

Michael W. Bailie
Director, OLE
(803) 544-5100
Cammy Chandler
Deputy Director

The Office of Legal Education (OLE) provides continuing legal education to Federal, state, and local prosecutors and litigators in advocacy skills and the management of legal operations. OLE also trains Department attorneys, other Federal agencies, and the support staff of the United States Attorneys' offices (USAOs). Training courses and seminars sponsored by OLE are certified for Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credit. The training programs are funded by OLE and accredited in all states with mandatory CLE requirements.

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Legal Programs

Wendy Goggin
Counsel for Legal Programs
(202) 616-6444

The Legal Programs staff is committed to providing the United States Attorneys’ offices (USAOs) with the necessary support to allow them to carry out their mission most effectively in the areas of Affirmative Civil Enforcement, Asset Forfeiture, Bankruptcy, civil defensive issues, Financial Litigation, and Health Care Fraud. The Legal Programs staff assists in the articulation, development, and promulgation of policy which comports with the overall goals of the USAOs, EOUSA, and other components of the Department of Justice. In addition, the Legal Programs staff serves as a liaison between other components of the Department and the USAOs, and between the headquarters of other members of the criminal justice system (e.g. Administrative Office of the United States Courts, Bureau of Prisons) and the USAOs concerning issues related to the Legal Programs areas.

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David W. Downs
Chief Operations Officer
(202) 616-6600
Gail C. Williamson
Associate Director
(202) 616-6600
Debora Cottrell
Associate Director
(202) 353-9394

Provides managerial guidance to the four Operations staffs. Serves as the Executive Officer for EOUSA to the Department; provides guidance to component and USAOs in operational and administrative matters as well as serving as the internal control office for USAOs.

Participates in numerous Boards of Directors for administrative management functions.

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Facilities Management and Support Services

Trisha Bursey
Assistant Director
(202) 616-6425

The Facilities Management and Support Services (FMSS) Staff provides logistical support to all USAOs in the areas of acquisition/renovation/repair and relocation of real property/space; procurement and small purchases, including motor vehicles; and records management, including forms management and audiovisual/printing coordination.

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Linda M. Schwartz
Assistant Director
(202) 616-6830

The EOUSA Personnel Staff provides the 94 USAOs with a wide variety of operating personnel, payroll, and pre-employment security/suitability administrative services. For USAOs that do not have an on-site personnel office, these services include a full range of personnel management advice and guidance in employment areas (e.g., staffing, position classification and pay, performance-based employee relations actions, etc.). For USAOs with personnel staffs on-site, EOUSA's Personnel Staff provides assistance as requested, and is responsible for overall program evaluation through the Personnel Management Evaluation Program. The EOUSA Personnel Staff serves the Attorney General's Advisory Committee in recommending personnel policies, including the development and implementation of an administratively determined pay plan for attorneys.

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Security Programs Staff

Tom Barnes
Assistant Director
(202) 616-6878

The Security Programs Staff provides policy and procedural assistance to USAOs for the implementation and conduct of all aspects of security programs in accordance with applicable statutes, and Executive and Department Orders. EOUSA's Security Programs Staff provides general and specialized security training for all personnel responsible for security-related duties; budgetary and facilities management support to facilitate all security-related equipment, services, and systems; a methodology for analyzing the security practices of each USAO and determining unique security requirements; and the oversight to identify weaknesses and to provide assistance and advice to ensure compliance with national and Department security policies and regulations; and constructive recommendations to improve the quality of security programs and support.

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Resource Management and Planning

Mary Ellen Wagner
Assistant Director Execution Staff
(202) 616-6891
Barbara Walker
Acting Assistant Director Formulation Staff
(202) 616-6892

The Resource Management & Planning Staff (RMP) is responsible for assisting the Attorney General's Advisory Committee in formulating a budget submission for the entire United States Attorney organization and presenting it to the Department, the Office of Management and Budget, and eventually to Congress. Once an appropriation has been enacted, RMP issues each district a budget consistent with the level of funding provided by Congress, AGAC priorities, and the district's request. The RMP responds to all budgetary inquiries.

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