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United States Environmental Protection Agency
Geospatial Data Clearinghouse
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The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Node of the National Geospatial Data Clearinghouse is a component of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) Exit EPA - Disclaimer. This node provides a pathway to find information about geospatial data available from the EPA. Geospatial data is used in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to identify the geographic location and characteristics of natural or man-made features and boundaries on the earth.

The development of the NSDI is coordinated by the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) Exit EPA - Disclaimer. The committee, which is composed of 17 federal agencies, oversees and provides policy guidance for agency efforts to coordinate geographic data activities.

EPA also provides information about systems and software used to support mapping of environmental data. The EPA Envirofacts warehouse offers access to several EPA databases to provide spatial data from a variety of sources, in several different mapping applications. American Indian Lands Environmental Support Project (AILESP) incorporates into a geographic information system (GIS) current multi-media contaminant releases, recent compliance and enforcement histories for facilities located on or near Indian lands, and other environmental data, such as stream reaches with fish consumption advisories, contaminated fish tissues and contaminated sediments. Better Assessment Science Integrating Point and Nonpoint Sources (BASINS) integrates a geographic information system (GIS), national watershed data, and state-of-the-art environmental assessment and modeling tools into one convenient package.

Metadata found at this site that is identified by the mp tag have been processed through the Metadata Parser Exit EPA - Disclaimer to conform with the FGDC Geospatial Data Metadata Standard.


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