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Researchers and Scientists

Sound science provides the foundation for credible environmental decision-making and is one of EPA's guiding principles to fulfill its mission to protect human health and the environment. These pages show the role of science at EPA and give access to scientific information that may be useful in understanding and protecting our environment.

Research Strategies & Plans
EPA's strategies and plans related to protecting human health and the environment.

Laboratories & Research Centers
Access to laboratories, research centers, and other EPA scientific organizations.

Environmental Data and Tools for Scientific Inquiry
Test Methods, data, software, models, and other scientific tools.

Research Programs
A listing of various scientific and research related programs within the EPA.

Research Grants & Fellowships
Opportunities for collaboration and funding for environmental research.

Reports and Publications
Access to research publications and technical documents.

Other Resources

Chemical Registry System - Chemical information by name, formula, type, definition, specific governmental regulations, specific literature references, or specific EPA offices.

EPA Test Methods and Guidelines - Specific test methods and procedures as well as an index for materials not in electronic format.

Envirofacts - A national information system that provides an integrated single point of access to data extracted from five major EPA databases.

Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) - A database that offers quality taxonomic information of flora and fauna from both aquatic and terrestrial habitats. exit EPA

National Environmental Respiratory Center - A national research center established by the US EPA to facilitate scientific research for understanding and managing air quality health risks. exit EPA

Surf Your Watershed - A service to help you locate, use, and share environmental information on your watershed or community.


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