British Virgin Islands

Old Age, Disability, Death

First law: 1979 Current law: 1993 Type of program: Social insurance system.
Exchange rate: Uses U.S. currency.


Employed and self-employed persons aged 16-65.

Source of Funds

Insured person: 3.25% of earnings. Self-employed, 6.5%.
Employer: 3.25%.
Government: None.
Maximum earnings for contribution and benefit purposes: $18,096 a year.

Qualifying Conditions

Old-age pension: Age 65 and 500 weeks of contribution. Reduced if 251-499 weeks).
Old-age grant: Age 65 and ineligible for periodic benefit, at least 49 weeks of contribution.
Disability pension or grant: Under age 65; permanent incapacity for any work. Qualifying conditions same as above.
Survivor pension: Widow aged 40 or caring for a child under age 15 (18 if student).

Old-Age Benefits

Old-age pension: 30% of average covered earnings in best 3 consecutive years, increased by 1% of average covered earnings for every 50 weeks of contributions above 500 weeks.
Old-age grant: 6 times average weekly earnings for each 50 weeks of contribution over 50 and below 500 weeks.

Disability Benefits

Disability pension: Same as old-age pension.
Disability grant: Same as old-age grant.

Survivor Benefits

Survivor pension: Widow's benefit, 66-2/3 of worker's pension or prospective pension.
Child's benefit 1/3 of spouse's benefit. 2/3 if full orphan.
Funeral grant: Depends on age at death. Under age 1, $300; 1-15 years of age, $1,200; over age 15, $2,000.

Administrative Organization

Ministry of Finance, general supervision.
Social Security Board, administration of program.

Sickness and Maternity

First law: 1979.
Current law: 1993
Type of program: Social insurance system. Cash benefits only.


Employed and self-employed persons aged 16-65.

Source of Funds

Insured person: 0.75% (self-employed, 1.5%) of covered earnings.
Employer: Same.
Government: None.

Qualifying Conditions

Cash sickness benefits: 26 weeks of contributions, with 8 weeks of contribution in the last 13 weeks before illness.
Cash maternity benefits: 26 weeks of contribution with 20 weeks contributions in the 39 weeks before confinement.
Maternity grant: Wife of insured worker.

Sickness and Maternity Benefits

Sickness benefit: 66-2/3% of average weekly covered earnings.
Payable for up to 26 weeks.
Maternity benefit: 66-2/3% of average weekly covered earnings in 39 weeks prior to confinement, payable for up to 13 weeks, beginning no earlier than 6 weeks before confinement.
Maternity grant: $200

Administrative Organization

Ministry of Finance, general supervision.
Social Security Board, administration of program.

Work Injury

First and current law: 1994.
Type of program: Social insurance system.


Same as old-age benefits.

Source of Funds

Insured person: None (except self-employed, 0.5% of earnings).
Employer: 0.5% of wages, up to $18,096.
Government: None.

Qualifying Conditions

Work-injury benefits: No minimum qualifying period.

Temporary Disability Benefits

Temporary disability pension: 75% of average weekly covered earnings, payable for up to 26 weeks.

Permanent Disability Benefits

Permanent disability pension: Same as for temporary disability benefit, if permanent incapacity of 100%.
Proportionately reduced for partial disability (30% or more).
A lump sum grant, dependent on degree of disability (1% or more).

Workers' Medical Benefits

Medical benefits: Hospitalization, general, specialist and nursing care. Also medicines, transportation, artificial limbs, etc.

Survivor Benefits

Survivor pension: 75% of worker's pension or prospective pension.
Surviving spouse receives 1/2 of this amount, with remainder divided among other eligible survivors.
Funeral grant: $1,500.

Administrative Organization

Ministry of Finance, general supervision.
Social Security Board, administration of program.