image of 4 cars
Vehicle Buying Aerial Devices and Digger/Derricks
Picture of a Aerial Devices and Digger/Derrick

GSA Schedule 23 V offers a wide variety of vehicles for tree work and use around high voltage lines and generators.

Government agencies can place orders directly with vendors. Click on the special item number to view vendor contact information:

Special Item Number 232-1:  Vehicle Mounted Personnel Lifts, which include insulated and non-insulated vehicles with working heights from 35' to 97'. Includes both general purpose and material handling units. 

Special Item Number 232-2:  Vehicle Mounted Digger/Derricks with boom heights from 42' to 60'.

Special Item Number 232-3:  Vehicle Mounted Cable Placers, which include special purpose trucks for cable placing and cable reel handling. 

Last Modified 9/27/2004