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  population & migration

ERS research assesses the impact of demographic change, shifting economic trends, and new policy implementation on the well-being of rural people and places, with a particular emphasis on at-risk population groups such as single parents, the working poor, children, the elderly, and racial/ethnic minorities.

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Understanding Rural Population Loss—One in four rural counties lost population between 1990 and 2000. Declining farm employment is often cited as the reason. But recent ERS research suggests that the challenge for such counties is less their dependence on agriculture, more their remoteness and thin settlement, coupled with their lack of natural amenities. Natural amenities, such as varied topography, lakes and ocean shore lines, sunny winters, and temperate summers, are a magnet for population and tourism.

web administration: webadmin@ers.usda.gov
updated: September 10, 2003

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• Rural America At A Glance, 2004

• The Conservation Reserve Program: Economic Implications for Rural America

• Amber Waves, June 2004

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