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infrastructure and rural development policy

Images of rural infrastructure. All rural communities are concerned about economic and community development. However, the goals of development programs and policies vary widely. In some rural places, development strategies aim at stimulating economic and community growth to address problems associated with population and employment decline. Elsewhere, growth is not the objective. Instead, the community may desire to improve wages and standards of living by changing the nature of employment, or by enhancing infrastructure and public services. Some places may actually want to stem growth in order to limit rural sprawl and encourage sustainable development that is environmentally friendly.

Among the most important development programs for rural areas are Federal infrastructure, business, housing, and general assistance programs. ERS research monitors and assesses the latest developments for these programs. In addition, ERS analysis of the geographic pattern of funding for these programs helps identify which places are most affected by program changes. Other ERS research provides information to better understand how Federal programs and policies work, how effective they are, and how they interrelate with State and local government policies. More overview...


Moving Rural Residents to Work: Lessons Learned from Eight Job Access and Reverse Commute (JARC) Projects—The JARC program was established in 1998 to assist States and localities to develop transportation services to connect welfare recipients and other low-income residents to jobs and support programs. This study documents case studies of eight rural areas receiving JARC funding in 1999. It highlights specific program elements, including the implementation process, transportation services provided, and the solutions developed to deal with the challenges of distance and low population densities that rural transit systems frequently face.

Rural America, Vol. 17, No. 2—This issue contains an article describing recent Federal legislative and regulatory changes affecting rural development. Also included are articles on Federal tax policy, nonmetro earnings trends, trends in income inequality, economic well-being of farm operator households, population change in the Midwest, and two articles covering rural health issues.

Rural America, Vol. 17, No. 3—This issue's main theme is the aging of rural America. It includes two articles on Federal funds: one focusing on Federal funding in rural elderly counties and another showing Federal funding variations by region and major type of assistance. Also included are articles on small rural communities' quest for safe drinking water, rising housing prices, socioeconomic impacts of the Conservation Reserve Program in North Dakota, and earnings of hired farmworkers.

Rural America, Vol. 17, No. 4—This final issue of Rural America contains several articles focusing on development policy, including Federal funding in the Delta and in Appalachia, the economic impact of rural water/sewer facilities, and the evolving Resource Conservation and Development program. Other articles examine rural recreation counties, rural population loss, migration, poverty, jobs and earnings, agricultural land ownership, the rural employment impacts of changing labor skills in food processing plants, and the rural economic impact of growing U.S.-China trade.

recommended readings
Rural Economic Development: What Makes Rural Communities Grow?—This report covers the findings of an econometric study identifying significant factors affecting rural economic growth.

Development at the Urban Fringe and Beyond: Impacts on Agriculture and Rural Land—This report describes the forces driving development, its character and impacts on agriculture and rural communities, the means available to channel and control growth, and the pros and cons of potential Federal roles.

Small Communities' Quest for Safe Drinking Water—This article in Rural America describes the challenges faced by small community drinking water systems that characterize much of rural America.

Communications & the Internet in Rural America—This article in Agricultural Outlook analyzes recent data on the diffusion of advanced telecommunications in rural areas and the role of Federal policy in meeting the special diffusion challenges rural areas face.

See all recommended readings …

recommended data products
Federal Funds Data, Fiscal 1998-2001—Federal funds data newly updated to include fiscal 1998-2001, consist of 4 years of data, located in directories 1998, 1999, 2000, and 2001. Except for 1999, the data are in the form of SAS data sets. Data include 16 data files, 16 SAS sample data extraction program files, 4 text "read me" documentation files, and 4 data description documentation files (one for each year). The Federal funds database presents annual expenditures or obligations for each Federal program and for each county and State. Data are screened for accuracy to the county level and then aggregated by function and type of program, and by type of county, State, and region. The data include Federal expenditures and obligations for grants, salaries and wages, procurements, direct payments, direct loans, guaranteed loans, and insurance.

Federal Funds Data, Fiscal 1994-1997—Consists of 4 years of data, located in directories 1994, 1995, 1996, and 1997. Directories include 4 raw data files in ASCII format, 4 SAS sample data extraction program files, 4 ASCII documentation files (one for each raw file), 3 Lotus 1-2-3 worksheet (.wk3) data files and 2 Lotus documentation files. Documentation file is for all years. A readme.txt file has detailed description of the data.

recent research developments
Rural Tourism: An Annotated Bibliography, by ERS researcher, Dennis M. Brown, unpublished 2002 manuscript, available electronically from the Rural Information Service. This paper provides a review of the literature of rural tourism strategies.

Stories Across America: Opportunities For Rural Tourism, by Suzanne Dane, was published by the National Trust for Historic Preservation in 2001. Interested in developing a rural tourism strategy? This report provides an interesting description of approaches used in various places across the country. Most involve heritage- and amenity-based tourism, agritourism, and the use of scenic highways or seaways.

National Parks and Rural Development: Practice and Policy in the United States, edited by Gary E. Machlis and Donald R. Field, was published by Island Press in 2000. This book covers the history of both national parks and rural development programs and the relationship between parks and adjacent communities. It includes several case studies from the U.S., plus an essay with an international perspective.

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Map showing counties in the Delta Regional Authoritymaps and images gallery
The rural Delta faces many developmental challenges. The recently created Delta Regional Authority should help address some of these problems. As this map shows, most of the counties benefiting from this program are nonmetropolitan.

Rural housing loans—USDA's main program aimed at increasing home ownership is the section 502 program, administered by the Rural Housing Service. This program offers direct loans to low-income individuals, and guaranteed loans to low-to-medium income individuals. These maps from the Rural Housing briefing room show the geographic distribution of these two components of the 502 program in fiscal year 2001.

Community facilities loans—This map from the Federal Funds briefing room shows the geographic distribution of loans financed by this USDA-Rural Housing Service program that assists miscellaneous forms of community infrastructure.

Business assistance—This map from the Federal Funds briefing room shows the geographic distribution of business assistance in the United States, adding together the business assistance programs offered by USDA, EDA, SBA, and other Federal agencies.


for more information, contact: Richard Reeder
web administration: webadmin@ers.usda.gov
page updated: March 3, 2004


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