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MedWatch E-list

MedWatch safety alerts delivered to you

  • Clinically important medical product safety alerts, delivered via e-mail

  • Concise, timely information about the drugs and devices you use, prescribe, or dispense every day, directly from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration

  • Each e-mail contains a summary of the safety alert. When you need to know more, a hyperlink in the e-mail directs you to more detailed information

  • The MedWatch E-list (Listserv) is an automated message delivery system -- it does not allow users to post messages or to reply to messages. If you have questions about reporting or comments regarding the MedWatch web site, please contact us through our comments & feedback web page, http://www.fda.gov/MedWatch/feedback.htm

Subscribing & Unsubscribing

Subscription to the MedWatch E-list is handled entirely by the NIH Listserv web site.

  • To subscribe or unsubscribe, go to the MedWatch Listserv subscribe page. Enter your name and e-mail address (carefully) in the appropriate fields and select the "Join the List" button. Leave all other options at the default setting.

  • Listserv will automatically delete an address that appears "dead" or nonexistant after a number of tries. If you have experienced trouble with your e-mail account, and are no longer receiving MedWatch e-mails, try subscribing again.

Secure and Confidential

  • Names and e-mail addresses of MedWatch subscribers are not shared with any other organizations.

  • MedWatch never sends attachments with E-list messages. The e-mail body contains the entire MedWatch message. (Certain e-mail servers and software may automatically generate a text attachment containing e-mail header or routing information. These attachments are not generated by MedWatch and should be ignored.)
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