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Proposed Rocky Mountain Energy Council

arrowJuly 8-9, Meeting

arrowAugust 26, 2003 Meeting



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The proposed Rocky Mountain Energy Council is a Presidential priority that will allow a more effective management strategy for energy development and energy policy issues on federal and state public lands in the Rocky Mountains.

The Council includes the states of Utah, Wyoming, Colorado, Montana, New Mexico and those federal and state agencies with responsibilities for managing energy projects within these states.

The Council will be responsible for fostering federal/state partnerships and early collaboration for federal and state government decision-making on energy issues facing the region and the nation.

The Council will take a long-term perspective on managing renewable and nonrenewable public energy resources, including their identification, production, and transmission to the market.

The responsibility of the Council will be to address and resolve issues affecting the environmentally responsible development of the valuable public energy resources that are needed for the energy security, economic stimulation, and social well being of the American public.

White House | Council on Environmental Quality | Department of Energy

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