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United States Environmental Protection Agency
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
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NPDES Topics Alphabetical Index Glossary About NPDES
NPDES Current Issues
  • AFO Virtual Information Center

  • View Individual and General NPDES Permits

  • CSO/SSO Report To Congress

  • Final IDDE Guidance Manual

  • Stormwater Education Materials

  • Wastewater Education Materials


    Picture of Waterfall Water pollution degrades surface waters making them unsafe for drinking, fishing, swimming, and other activities. As authorized by the Clean Water Act, the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit program controls water pollution by regulating point sources that discharge pollutants into waters of the United States. Point sources are discrete conveyances such as pipes or man-made ditches. Individual homes that are connected to a municipal system, use a septic system, or do not have a surface discharge do not need an NPDES permit; however, industrial, municipal, and other facilities must obtain permits if their discharges go directly to surface waters. In most cases, the NPDES permit program is administered by authorized states. Since its introduction in 1972, the NPDES permit program is responsible for significant improvements to our Nation's water quality.


    The site contains technical and regulatory information about the NPDES permit program. The NPDES Permits Program consists of a number of programs and initiatives. Links to each of these programs and initiatives are located on the left navigational bar.

    • For information on specific facilities with NPDES permits, you can visit EPA's Envirofacts Warehouse. Simple searches can be done by clicking on "Water" and entering your zip code. You can also view a map with NPDES facilities by clicking on "Maps" and choosing "EnviroMapper." Finally, advanced search capabilities can be found under "Queries" and selecting "PCS."
    • Picture of Stream
    • For information on the compliance and enforcement status of facilities with NPDES permits, you can visit EPA's Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO).

    New! Electronic Notice of Intent (eNOI) - EPA just announced this new electronic stormwater water permit application system, also known as eNOI, which allows construction operators to quickly obtain permit coverage under EPA's Stormwater Construction General Permit.

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    Last updated on December 08, 2003 9:37 AM